Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What factors contributed to the success of Apple Essay Example

What factors contributed to the success of Apple Essay Example What factors contributed to the success of Apple Essay What factors contributed to the success of Apple Essay The preceding analysis of the success factors of the phone leads to lessons that can be learned when developing and launching mobile products and data services. While some of these lessons may be considered specific to Apple, most of them can be replicated by other Smartened manufacturers and potentially even other technology providers: Demographics Target the right group of adopters: Apple targeted young, technology savvy individuals rather than business. While other Smartened and mobile data and Internet services targeted business (e. . , RIM), phone proved there is a strong market in personal use. Rather than assuming an initial target of business, and expecting consumers to follow, it is possible to reverse this, targeting personal usage first with business usage following. User Preferences unreason Ana meet preferences: Apple Touches on entertainment applications Ana services rather than business applications, clearly meeting the needs of their consumers. By fully understanding user preferences and designing content and applications that meet these preferences, there is a large untapped market potential n mobile data and Internet products and services. Culture Find and exploit cultural niches: While culture varies by country and within countries, it is important for the phone to find cultural niches that it could fill. These cultural niches have been filled for the most part through the applications and services provided, rather than the mobile devices, indicating that regardless of the hardware platform, cultural preferences can be met through software and content. Technology Hardware plays a best-supporting role: While phone understood that applications and content were cost important, an element of control over the hardware and technology was necessary for success. The phone achieved success through Apples core competency in product innovation, ensuring that phone was highly functional and capable of producing a rich mobile Internet browsing experience. Thus it is highly important to ensure that technology plays a strong supporting role to applications and content. Business Model Develop a business model based on core competencies: The device-centric business model of the phone [45] has been the strongest factor in the success. The phone launch went against traditional wireless equines models and showed that device manufacturers could successfully control the necessary portions of the value chain and allow all players to be profitable and successful. Marketing Focus on fulfilling consumer needs: For the phone, Apple markets the services provided, rather than the hardware, focusing on what the products and services can do for the consumer, rather than the specifications. Key to success is not focusing on products, but rather the fulfillment of consumer needs. Service Providers Maintain control through content access and distribution: Apple understood that applications and intent are best left for third parties to develop, but maintaining control over access and distribution (including security) were the key elements of the value chain where it had core competencies. It proved that you do not need to perform the tasks in every part of the value chain, but rather coordinate and control the value chain to allow success for all players. Regulatory Make regulations work for you: Rather than working against regulations, Apple has accepted the regulatory factors, and worked within them to launch products and services that comply yet achieve high levels of

Saturday, November 23, 2019

XiaoDouzi and Huanhuan essays

XiaoDouzi and Huanhuan essays Xiaodouzi, the name of a little dog, means a little bean in Chinese; while Huanhuan, is the name of a big cat, meaning pleasure. They are two sweethearts of my mother-in-law. Since her two sons left for Canada, they have been wiping out her loneliness. Besides the different meaning of their names, they differ in looks, habit and Xiaodouzi, with short snow-white hair, is more like a snowy ball. Four black dots are projected on his face: two acute eyes, one short upward nose and one small projecting mouth. Under his white hair are his short legs. The legs are so short that sometimes they are hard to see. Therefore, when Xiaodouzi moves, he looks more like a white fury ball rolling back and forth on the ground. In contrast to Xiaodouzi, Huanhuan, with long brown hair, looks like a state general. On his face, more angular than Xiaodouzis, there are two round and bright eyes like two emeralds, one long and lofty nose and one narrow triangle-shaped mouth. His legs are longer and stronger than Xiaodouzis. Except for their different looks, Xiaodouzi and Huanhuan are sorted into two polar types: the active and the lazy. Xiaodouzi cant keep still even one minute in daytime. He is also an early bird. Everyday at 4:00 or even earlier he is already shaking his tail and waiting near the door to go out. He always captures each chance of going out. Outside he will catch up to moving cars, walking people and even dancing fallen leaves in the wind. He very likes outdoor activities. Huanhuan, in contrast, stays at home all day. Sleeping may occupy most of his time. He is fanatic about sleeping under the sun in the chair near the window. Only eating and his masters call can tear him from sleeping. In addition, Xizodouzi and Huanhuan enjoy differ ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The impact of users' interface on users trust in e commerce Essay

The impact of users' interface on users trust in e commerce - Essay Example (p. 920) For online transactions wherein customers buy products and conduct their financial activities, trust is everything. Ecommerce is deeply interwoven with risks for consumers that is why organizations have to work hard in order to earn it. One of the most important features in the design of ecommerce website that achieves for an organization the trust of its visitors is the user interface. (Lumsden, p. 867) This paper will explore and examine this area and, specifically, will outline the relationship between user interface and trust. Consumers’ trust in an e-retailer, wrote Zhou (2006), can be defined as the consumers’ willingness to accept vulnerability in an online transaction based on their positive expectations in regard with and E-retailers future behavior. (p. 335) This is mainly achieved through a positive relationship that are sustained through time. The behavior of E-retailer towards its consumers can both do and undo this. Smith and Salvendy (2007) explained that trust is based upon perception, the process by which individual’s select, filter, organize and interpret information in order to create a meaningful picture of the world. (p. 68) What this highlights is that trust falls under the behavioral and psychological sphere, wherein individuals are affected by and react to symbols and signs that enable them to perceive dependability, credibility and competence. In applying this in ecommerce, one could say that those people, who encounter symbols, read them through their own individual eyes and the symbols acquire meaning in the organization through recurring experiences. (Smith and Salvendy, p. 68) In user interface, integrating this behavioral and psychological consideration would be able to increase value for the website including its trust warranting properties. The trust requirements in ecommerce have produced several guidelines and standards in regard to user interface development and design.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Ethics in an Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Ethics in an Organisation - Essay Example The organisation that was chosen for the purposes of this assignment is the global for-profit education giant known as Career Education Corporation. According to their website, "Since it was founded in 1994, CEC has progressed rapidly toward the goal of becoming the world's leading provider of quality educational services. CEC is the world's largest on-campus provider of private, for-profit postsecondary education and has a rapidly-growing presence in online education" (Career Education Corporation, 2008, pg. 1). Career Education Corporation has more than 95,000 students worldwide and is made up of a number of different, well-recognized, and widespread brand names of colleges, schools, and universities. Their main specialty is offering career-oriented degrees to their students in a short period of actual classroom time. "The 80-plus campuses that serve these students are located throughout the U. S., Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates and offer doctoral, master's, bachelor's, and associate degrees and diploma and certificate programs. Approximately one third of students attend the web-based virtual campuses of American InterContinental University Online and Colorado Technical University Online" (Career Education Corporation, 2008, pg. 1) As mentioned above, Career Education Corporation operates under a number of brand names that span the entire globe, including the online environment. "Those brands include, among others, the Le Cordon Bleu schools of North America; the Harrington School of Design; the Brooks Institute; the Katharine Gibbs schools; American InterContinental University; Colorado Technical University and Sanford Brown" (Career Education Corporation, 2008, pg. 1). The company proudly displays its mission on its main website, claiming that, "The mission of CEC, through its schools, its educators, and its employees is education-their primary goal, to enable students to graduate successfully and pursue rewarding careers." Their mission statement itself declares, "We are a dynamic educational services company committed to quality, career-focused learning led by passionate professionals who inspire individual worth and lifelong achievement" (Career Education Corporation, 2008, pg. 1). Ethics In order to understand how an organization adheres to business ethics in values, it is first important to understand what those are. In this section, perspectives on business ethics and values, ethical issues in business, ethical theories and how to use them, personal values in the workplace, individual responses to ethical situations, corporate responsibility, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, sustainability and the responsible corporation, ethical conformance: codes standards, culture, leadership, and citizen power, global and local values and international business, and ethics in practice will be covered in detail (Fisher and Lovell, 2006, Ambrose and Schminke, 1999 and Boyle, 1990). According to Wikipedia, "Business ethics is a form of the art of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment. In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing. Simultaneously, pressure is applied on industry to improve business ethics through new public initiatives and laws (e.g.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How satisfactory is this view of Wolseys position as Henry VIIIs Minister Essay Example for Free

How satisfactory is this view of Wolseys position as Henry VIIIs Minister Essay Thomas Wolsey rose from being the lowly son of a butcher, through various posts in the royal service, to become Lord Chancellor in December 1515, and remained at the pinnacle of the Kings service until his fall in October 1529. To stay in power for so long, it needs to be established whether he spent his time as a servant to the King, or as a authority in his own right. Historian G.R.Elton stated that, He had lasted so long because he knew how to promote himself, and for most of the time, he knew how to keep henry satisfied. Eltons words indicate what I believe are the two main factors in studying Wolseys ministry how he served the King, and how much he did for himself. It is my opinion that Wolsey, despite his plentiful policy in areas of little interest to the King like social and governmental reform, remained so prominent in the Kings service due to his ability to serve the King, allowing Henry to live life as a young Renaissance Prince. The King also felt relatively safe giving such power to Wolsey, as he didnt pose a threat to his throne in the way that some nobles or those of royal blood may have posed. However nature of the relationship between Henry and Wolsey was unusual, as it was not like the archetypal master-servant relationship. In some of his letters to Wolsey, Henry signed off as your loving friend and master, or referred to hims as father in the spiritual sense of the word. George Cavendish, a contemporary, and Wolseys butler said The king displayed a most loving disposition towards him, especially as he was most earnest and readiest among all the council to advance the Kings mere will and pleasure. The friendship seemed to work both ways, and although it has been suggested that Henry took Hampton Court by force, I am in agreement with most historians that Wolsey gave it to Henry as a gift. To judge the extent to which Wolsey did serve his master, it is necessary to analyse Wolseys work, and discover the true aim behind each of his major areas of policy. In studying Wolseys domestic policy, one must establish Henrys role in this area, and in particular, what he wanted done and how much of it he was willing to do himself. As Henry was not the first son of his father Henry VII, he had not received the same royal training that his older brother Arthur had done, thus he had never really developed an interest in royal domestic affairs. While Henry VII chose to rule the country himself, Henry VIII saw ruling his country as delegating jobs to other people so he could live a youthful life, spending time hunting and enjoying himself with other men of his age. His lack of interest in day-to-day administrative affairs left a void to be filled, so the arrival in the his service of someone who not only excelled in the field, but was willing to serve his every need seems to have been the main reason for the King to keep Wolsey. As Lord Chancellor, Wolsey was effectively head of the legal system. However, as I established previously, Henrys interest in fields such as this was limited, so he gave Wolsey power to do what he pleased (but he did have to approve Wolseys reform before it was implemented). Wolsey became a contriver of many policies of reform in the legal system, notably with his personal service in the Court of Chancery, increasing the administering of law of equity as opposed to common law, and with his revision of the role of Star Chamber in 1516, so that it would dispense justice and oversee fairness in the legal system. The question we need to ask is how much of this was done for the King, and how much did Wolsey do of his own accord, as arguments can be established for either opinion. By sitting in on the Court of Chancery, Wolsey was taking on a lot of unnecessary extra work, and his enforcement of equity (which was seen as dangerously close to Roman Law) is evidence to suggest that Wolsey allegiance may not have only lain with Henry, but with the Pope as well. However, Wolsey himself had little or no legal training, and the work he carried out was rather early in his ministry, which suggests that is ultimate aim was to please the King by offering him exciting new plans of reform to keep him happy. Also, the work he carried out in Star Chamber was demanded of him by Henry. It is my personal opinion that Wolseys needed to maintain the Kings interest and appear as though he was working directly to serve the King, and this seems to have been his main priority, as this was the key to remaining in the Kings favour. Wolseys background lay in religion rather than in law, so it seemed that anything policy he would implement would be more likely to reflect his own personal desires, rather than as a service to the King. In 1514, he was made Archbishop of York, and in 1518, he was promoted to Papal Legate (a position which was conferred on him for life in 1524), effectively making him the most powerful man in the church. The important question is that when serving the Pope in England, would he be acting for himself (and the Pope) or his master, the King? Wolseys first major policy in the church was the defence of Benefit of Clergy. In the 1515 Parliament. This itself was a bold move for Wolsey, as he had only recently been given power, and to defend something that both King and Parliament didnt approve of meant losing popularity. Nevertheless, Wolsey knelt to Henry to assure him that his power was totally unthreatened by the church. This evidence suggests that Wolsey may not have necessarily wanted to do everything that the King wanted, and he seemed to have some power of refusal over the King himself. In the church, we also witness Wolseys collection of offices, wealth and power, which we can hardly regard as a service to the King. His offices included Bishop of Durham and Winchester, Abbot of St Albans (one of the richest abbeys in England), as well his previous offices as Archbishop of York, Papal Legate and Lord Chancellor, providing examples of pluralism. He even charged clergy to carry out duties which he could not fulfil, in a gross example of non-residence. He derived a huge income from all of the above while maintaining power, placing him in a unique position, and freeing him up to serve the King in other ways. One third of land in England belonged to the church, and this seemed to be the one of the few aspects of the church that Henry himself was displeased with, thus it can be said that the dissolution of 30 monasteries between 1524-9 would have theoretically been done for the King. In practice, Wolsey kept a great deal of the revenue from the monasteries, diverting it to his school in Ipswich and his college at Oxford. Social reform was one of the areas of domestic policy that least concerned the King, so it seems likely that most of Wolseys action in this field would not be in service to the King. His attempt to reduce the injustice of enclosures and engrossing via the Enclosure Commission of 1517-9 was clearly of little consequence to the King, and was more likely to be an area of policy where the King gave Wolsey freedom to implement his own policy. The fact that Wolsey carried out policies for which there is little evidence of any involvement on Henrys part suggests that Wolsey may have been more than just a servant to Henry. Wolseys immense activity in financial policy corresponds with Henrys desire for money to carry out foreign expeditions against the French. The Act of Resumption of 1515, the Subsidies of 1513-5 and 1523, the Forced Loan of 1523 all reduced his popularity, but managed to quench Henrys desire for money. However, Wolsey was seen to go one step too far to please his master in 1525, in asking for the Amicable Grant, while the forced loan of 1523 was still being collected. The country reached a state of near-rebellion, and more serious disturbances occurred in London, East Anglia and Kent. It was at this stage when the relationship between Henry and Wolsey faced its first major attack, and Henry blamed the whole fiasco on Wolsey to save himself. Wolsey himself had largely been opposed to his attempts to raise extra revenue for the King, yet he had been acting as the Kings servant, doing his bidding. To Henry, Wolsey was to act as a scapegoat in situations where things went wrong. The other area of domestic policy in which conflict arose between Henry and Wolsey was in the Eltham Ordinances of 1526. Wolsey had been struggling to eliminate those who may have influenced the King. In 1518, he had attempted to expel Henrys minions or young favourites, but his governmental reform as he called it, was reversed by Henry, indicating some tension, but more importantly indicating to Wolsey that he could not consider overpowering the King. It was in the Ordinances of 1526 that Wolsey again went too far. In another bout of governmental reform, he was able to reduce the number of Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber from 12 to 6, and he removed enemies such as William Compton, the groom of the stool. The resultant lack of advisors around Henry angered him, and he was well aware that Wolsey was the cause of his seclusion. Wolsey had emerged as a competent organiser during the 1512-3 French campaign, and also organised the peace with France in 1514, proving himself to Henry as effective in diplomacy as well. Clearly, Henry was a king who sought glory, and was full of dynastic ambition. He wanted England to be as influential in European affairs as it had been in the time of Henry V. His jealousy of his French rival, Francis I meant that he would be seeking alliances against his traditional opponent. Wolsey on the other hand was a man of humanist tendencies, sought glory in diplomacy through his desire to become the peacemaker of Europe. The Venetian Ambassador at the time stated that Nothing pleases him more than to be called the arbiter of the affairs of Christendom. In 1516, Henry wanted to renew his campaign against the French alongside the new leader of Spain, Charles V, but Wolsey managed to convince him to join a coalition against French action in Italy instead. Henry clearly trusted Wolsey sufficiently to trust his advice in this are, indicating that he held more importance than that of just a servant. One aspect of Henrys personal policy is also revealing at this stage as to his relationship with Wolsey. In 1518, Pope Leo X was expressing some concern as to the advance of the Ottoman Empire into Europe, and sent cardinals around Europe to organise a unification of Christendom against them. Henry used his desperation to his advantage, refusing entry to Cardinal Campeggio, the embassy, unless Wolsey was made legate a latere (papal legate), to which the Pope agreed. In this action, Henry can be seen to have depended somewhat on Wolsey, as he was essential to Henry in maintaining some degree of control over the church in England. Wolsey, seeing an opportunity to fulfil his personal aims, took diplomatic control of the Popes mission, and turned it into an international peace conference of more than 20 countries in London. The resultant Treaty Of London was signed in October 1518, and served as a great achievement for Wolsey. It not only brought together the great powers of Europe in a universal and perpetual peace, but also put England at the centre of European affairs. More importantly, Wolsey had not needed to compromise the wishes of his master to achieve his role of peacemaker, as the treaty also allowed Englands standing in Europe to improve, which was one of Henrys major priorities. Wolsey carried out more diplomacy to serve the King two days later, in an Anglo-French treaty in which a marriage between the Dauphin and Henrys daughter Princess Mary was proposed. Henry was getting his most important desires fulfilled, and foreign affairs seemed to be going exceptionally well for Henry and Wolsey, until the death of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian, which saw Charles V become the new emperor, and imminent conflict between the newly strengthened Charles and Francis I, would see the destruction of the glorious Treaty of London. In 1520, Wolseys service to his King in foreign policy continued, and faced with both sides of the conflict courting the support of England, he organised the splendorous meeting between Francis and Henry at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, which would have seemed like the beginning of a grand peace between the two countries. However, Wolsey had to sacrifice his role as peacemaker to appease Henrys desire to benefit from the inevitable war, and at the Treaty of Bruges in August 1521, Wolsey served the Kings cause further by providing the possibility that Charles may marry the 8 yr old Princess Mary who Henry desperately wanted to marry off. The war itself provided no real success for England, and only further marginalized England as a minor power in Europe. Against Wolseys desire, Henry wanted to fight on during 1523, and Wolsey was obliged to carry out his duty, in the way that any servant would, and England only met further wartime embarrassment. Despite Henrys hopes of campaigning in 1524, Wolsey managed to convince Henry otherwise, and in the following year, Wolsey took the bold step of instigating a peace with France, and the Treaty of the More was signed in August 1525, and now, a force to face the might of Charles had begun. Wolsey began to slip back into his comfortable role as peacemaker, orchestrating the League of Cognac between France and the Papal States (Wolsey made England abstain from joining, so that England remained peaceful). Another Wolsey-organised treaty was made in April 1527 between France and England in the Treaty of Westminster, which declared perpetual Anglo-French peace, promised Francis second son to Princess Mary and threatened Charles with war if he didnt join the peace. England was back at the forefront of English politics, thanks to Wolseys redemption from Henrys war failures. However, this grew inconsequential, and just as Wolsey done what Henry wanted in foreign affairs, Henrys desire for divo rce grew urgent. Wolsey could reasonably expect to stay in power as long as he kept carrying out the Kings wishes, and despite his unpopularity and court faction working against him, it is clear that his inability to get Henry his divorce led to his downfall. Henrys new love Anne Boleyn managed to convince Henry that Wolsey had no use any more he couldnt get a divorce and he hadnt secured the Kings succession. In general, his service was no longer required, and historian John Guy concludes that Wolsey was destroyed because he had become a liability in the eyes of the king and was expendable. This has fundamental implications for reassessing his relationship with Henry. Guy is correct is saying that this sheds new light on the nature of the relationship between the two men, and suddenly, Henrys regard for Wolsey as a loving friend became trivial. This essay has been able to establish that the majority of Wolseys policy was executed in service to the King. Wolsey may have acted for his own interest in certain areas such as the church and social reform, but this was only because of Henrys lack on interest in the fields, and the trust that he placed in Wolseys service. I am therefore able to conclude that theoretically, Wolsey was the Kings Servant. However, I say theoretically, because although Wolsey was a servant to Henry in his actions, the image created by the word seems to extreme for Wolsey. I believe that the relationship between Henry and Wolsey was strong and full of friendship when Wolsey did what was required of him. In reality, everyone in the kingdom was a servant to the King, and many people wanted to serve him more to gain more influence. In light of this, although he was a servant, it appears to me that the word servant underestimates the immense of power that he had, despite the fact that the power was given to him by the King, and many other more complimentary words can be used to describe the importance of Wolsey to the King. Nevertheless Wolsey, as a minister, remained a servant to Henry throughout his time in power, and devoted the majority of his policy to the Kings service.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Mockingbird Harper Le

Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird Courage is the quality of mind that enables one to face danger with confidence, resolution, and gain a firm control of oneself. Many of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird showed courage in their own way. Courage can come in many different forms: physical, mental, emotional and moral. Courage is not the only main theme displayed in To Kill a Mockingbird; prejudice and education are also very important themes exhibited throughout the progression of the novel. Through the eyes of Scout Finch, a bright, sensitive and intelligent little girl, these themes of the novel are explored in great depth. The many forms of courage are shown throughout the novel by the characters of Jem, Boo (Arthur), Mrs. Dubose, and Atticus. Jem showed one of the greatest acts of physical courage as he protected his little sister Scout from the attack of Bob Ewell on the night of Halloween. Boo was also very courageous, he lived many years without human contact. That is a lonely thing to do, and it took mental courage for him to try and reach out to Jem and Scout when his father kept him imprisoned. Emotional courage is shown through Mrs. Dubose; she was a morphine addict and it took great courage for her to quit before her death to  ¡Ã‚ °die beholden to nothing and nobody ¡Ã‚ ±. Atticus is one of the most courageous characters in the novel. He showed moral courage when he defended a black man who was falsely charged with the rape of a white woman. He stood up for ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ethics & people Essay

The question of ethics is particularly important for a person who is both part of society and works with a group. The development of community and collective self is impossible without the struggle of opposing ideas and positions, and the collision of different points of views and opinions through which it is possible to overcome contradictions and disagreements. The relationship within a team works in a â€Å"mirror-system† where members can see their behavior reflected in their interaction with other people. An example of this can be seen when group members introduce themselves to each other. Usually, group members gauge how they will act depending on how the first person introducing will make them feel. If they feel comfortable with the personality of that person, they will also act naturally. However, if they feel threatened or intimidated, they will also exhibit signs of such. Understanding this particular group dynamic is important in maintaining relationships in the workplace. Once members understand this, they start to create their own group values/culture of which good ethics is a foundation. The presence of group ethics and values can lead to the success of a group especially in diffusing conflicts to maintain decorum and maintain work ethic (Green 2006). I want to point out an experience I had in which I acted unethically within a group. This instance happened last semester when I took a class in Entrepreneurship and got into an argument with a groupmate while planning for a project entitled â€Å"Blue Ocean Strategy†. I was trying to convince him that my side was right. I was on the verge of tears that I raised my voice and walked out on him, slamming the door as I left. In retrospect, I realized that I reacted unethically to the situation. Since I was part of a team, my actions disrupted the group and affected our work ethic. But what was I to do? Keep quiet even though I had a good suggestion for the group? Let my idea be discarded without me fighting for it? I have tried to justify my actions as a way for me to assert myself, to make my groupmate realize that I was trying to contribute to the group. This, however, did not change the fact that my outburst affected my group’s opinion of me. Now I understand that to act ethically is to act calmly in resolving conflicts. In defending my ideas, I have to be careful to exude confidence calmly and not arrogantly. Being aggressive and arrogant creates a negative feeling within the group. It is also important to choose words carefully when dragged into a conflict. It is even better if I keep my silence even if my groupmate is goading me. I should calm myself and wait for my partner to calm down too before we try and solve the problem. The Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu in his book The Art of War shared that it is best to win without fighting (Tzu 1). Thus, the real winner of any conflict is the one who is able to prevent it from the start. It is an important exercise to weigh factors first before getting into a conflict. â€Å"What have I got to gain? To lose? †, â€Å"Will these actions lead to a solution for the group or for myself? † These are the questions that I will ask myself before I confront any one, not just members of my group. Conflicts will always arise whenever people get together. What is important is how the group will move together to resolve such issues. Even though groups move in different contexts, whether political, social, industrial or domestic, the strategies to conflict management are grounded on one, same idea. We should always act and behave ethically and not let emotions seize our actions. Works Cited Green, Daryl. Understanding Group and Personal Ethics. Nu Leadership Series. 2006. EzineArticles. com. Web. 21 July 2010. http://ezinearticles. com/? Understanding- Group- and-Personal-Ethics—Nu-Leadership-Series&id=419973 Tzu, Sun. The Art of War. Trans. Shawn Conners and Lionel Giles. Texas: el Paso Norte

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cholesterol Research Paper

By: Diana Rivera| | Cholesterol is a fatty, soft substance found in all of your body. The body needs it to work properly such as holding cells together and to also make hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, vitamin D, and substances to help you digest foods. They body actually makes most of what it needs in the liver and the rest comes from food you eat such as meats, fish, eggs, butter, and whole milk. Bad cholesterol is considered when too much cholesterol circulates in the blood, it slowly builds up in the inner walls of the arteries which feeds the brain and heart.This can cause plaque when it comes together with other substances making it less flexible and narrowing the artery. If a clot is forms in a narrow artery this can cause a heart attack or stroke. The good cholesterol acts like scavengers in your body by picking up any excessive cholesterol and taking it back to the liver. Having high levels of good cholesterol also prevents you from having heart attack. Whe n blood is collected the test tube is then placed in a centrifuge, which separates the whole blood from the plasma.The blood cell settles at the bottom of the test tube, and the plasma spins to the top, if cholesterol is detected you will see a fatty, thick substance, this test will be considered a qualitative test. There is a variety of factors that can influence blood cholesterol levels which include your diet, weight, exercise, age and gender, diabetes, heredity and certain medications or medical conditions. Cholesterol can’t be dissolved in the blood; they have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoprotein.There are two types of lipoprotein one of them is the Low-Density Lipoproteins which are known as the bad cholesterol that a physician will advise you to keep low. When low-density lipoprotein is at a high level it combines with other substances and form plaque in your arteries. This will slow your blood flow to heart, brain, and other o rgans in your body which can cause blood clots. The range for low-density lipoprotein is more than 100 and border risk line is 130 and more than 190.Our body also has high-density lipoprotein which is good cholesterol; our body produces for our protection. They get their name because they are thought to carry excess cholesterol away from arteries to the liver, which the body can eliminate. Those who have higher levels of HDL have fewer problems with cardiovascular disease, while other with lower levels has increased for heart disease. Some things you can do if your HDL is low are aerobic exercise, quit smoking and having a good healthy weight.Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in the bloods which are used as a source of energy after being converted by the liver. They are the end product of digesting and breaking down fats in meals. Triglycerides is developed from fatty acids found in foods and they are transported by the LDL. Normal levels are below 150, levels of 200 are high. Over all maintain a good healthy lifestyle can help you balance your cholesterol and reduce your risk for heart disease or even a stroke. Many people have dealt with having chronic high blood cholesterol levels.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Action Report 2 Example

Action Report 2 Example Action Report 2 – Article Example Action Report 2 The big issue, according to Stiglitz concerns whether gross domestic product (GDP) offers a superior measure of living standards. In a number of cases, GDP statistics appear to propose that the financial system is doing far much better compared to most citizens own thoughts (Stiglitz 1). In addition, the spotlight on GDP leads to conflicts: leaders (political) are urged to maximize it, but citizens, on the other hand, also require that attention be given to improving security, reducing water, air, as well as noise pollution, and the likes – all of which may decrease GDP growth. The same issues in making comparisons in due course related to comparisons across nations (Stiglitz 1). The US uses more money on health care compared any other nations but gets much poorer results. Part of the dissimilarity between GDP per capita in Europe and the US might hence be due to the way people measure things.Another significant transformation in most countries is a rise in ine quality (Stiglitz 1). This means that there is a rising disparity between the median income (that of the "normal" earner, whose salary lies falls in the middle of the income distribution table) and average income. If a few people working in the bank get richer, average or mean income can increase, even as most peoples’ incomes are decreasing (Stiglitz 1). Therefore, GDP per capita statistics might not echo what is occurring to most citizens. Any proper measure of how well countries are performing should take into account sustainability, as well (Stiglitz 1). Just as a company requires measuring the reduction of its capital, so does national accounts require reflecting the drop of natural resources, as well as the degradation of the environment.Work CitedStiglitz, Joseph. The great GDP swindle. N.p, 2009. Web.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

History of the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp

History of the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp The 1920 Olympic Games (also known as the VII Olympiad) closely followed the ending of World War I, being held from April 20 to September 12, 1920, in Antwerp, Belgium.  The war had been devastating, with massive destruction and monstrous loss of life, leaving many countries unable to participate in the Olympic Games. Still, the 1920 Olympics went on, seeing the first use of the iconic Olympic flag, the first time a representative athlete took the official Olympic oath, and the first time white doves (representing peace) were released. Fast Facts: 1920 Olympics Official Who Opened the Games:  King Albert I of BelgiumPerson Who Lit the Olympic Flame:  (This was not a tradition until the 1928 Olympic Games)Number of Athletes:  2,626 (65 women, 2,561 men)Number of Countries: 29Number of Events:  154 Missing Countries The world had seen much bloodshed from World War I, which made many wonder whether the wars aggressors should be invited to the Olympic Games. Ultimately, since the Olympic ideals stated that all countries should be allowed entrance into the Games, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Hungary were not forbidden to come, they were also not sent an invitation by the Organizing Committee. (These countries were again not invited to the 1924 Olympic Games) In addition, the newly formed Soviet Union decided not to attend. (Athletes from the Soviet Union did not reappear at the Olympics until 1952.) Unfinished Buildings Since the war had ravaged throughout Europe, funding and materials for the Games was difficult to acquire. When the athletes arrived in Antwerp, construction had not been completed. Besides the stadium being unfinished, the athletes were housed in cramped quarters and slept on folding cots. Extremely LowAttendance Though this year was the first that the official Olympic flag was flown, not many were there to see it. The number of spectators was so low- mainly because people could not afford tickets after the war- that Belgium lost over 600 million francs from hosting the Games. Amazing Stories On a more positive note, the 1920 Games was notable for the first appearance of Paavo Nurmi, one of the Flying Finns. Nurmi was a runner who ran like a mechanical man - body erect, always at an even pace. Nurmi even carried a stopwatch with him as he ran so that he could evenly pace himself. Nurmi returned to run in the 1924 and the 1928 Olympic Games winning, in total, seven gold medals. The Oldest Olympic Athlete Although we normally think of Olympic athletes as young and strapping, the oldest Olympic athlete of all time was 72 years old. Swedish shooter Oscar Swahn had already participated in two Olympic Games (1908 and 1912) and had won five medals (including three gold) before appearing at the 1920 Olympics.   At the 1920 Olympics, 72-year-old Swahn, sporting a long white beard, won a silver medal in the 100-meter, team, running deer double shots.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The HafenCity core location has sustainable qualities Essay

The HafenCity core location has sustainable qualities - Essay Example These principles are essential in defining the continuity and integrity of urban designed systems. This eventually would result to the planners having a clue on how to plan and predict urban ecological and socio-economic developments perspectives. Furthermore, it will enhance the harmonization, integrity and mutual consistency with the prediction and urban development documents. Therefore, urban developments that are sustainable should focus on objectives that are long-term. In addition to that, it should address the existing environmental and socio-economic problems existing in the cities and also focus on future preconditions (Vanags and Grizans, 2010, p.1100). Cities are considered to be territorial and socio-economic unit in which economic and business activities are carried out, job opportunities are created, emergence of new technologies occur. Despite the advantages of Hafencity Humbug city expansion, it poses threats to the sustainability of the environment as it will lead to increased population and industrial expansion. In such cases, the demand for urban resources will drastically increase and consequently the amount of waste stream. The urban planners may attempt to provide improvements to the local environment while inadequately addressing issues such as the depletion of the ozone layer and global warming which are characterized by urban behaviour external impacts. Thus, in such a context, urban sustainable development should be perceived as a wider goal of integral ingredient, working towards achieving a sustainable global development. These goals are veered towards the promotion of inter-generational equity, geographical equit y, social justice and environmental stewardship (Haughton 1997, p.193). In addition to that, the documents used to formulate city strategies are wide and might ignore important information needed to monitor the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

1 - Assignment Example in organizing intrusion and/or misuse scenarios by: utilizing known vulnerabilities and weak system points and analyzing system dependencies and weak points and then represent these weaknesses on. Attack trees establish an intuitive model that systematically describes the possible attack scenarios on a system and therefore forms the basis for threat analysis (Ghazizadeh & Zamani, 2012). Basically, the difference is in the two techniques used for encryption i.e. symmetric and public key encryption. Both the sender and the receiver in symmetric encryption share the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message. This is achieved using the secret key. In public key encryption, the sender and the receiver both have public and a private key. The private key is known only to the person who holds and the public key is known by other users. The difference between the two keys is that the secret key is used in symmetric encryption while the private key is used in public key encryption or asymmetric encryption (Brooks, 2005). Both parties i.e. sender and the receiver hold the secret key while private key is only held by one of the parties, each party has his own private key. A private key is generated for an asymmetric encryption algorithm which is retained by the owner while the accompanying public key is open for others to use for secure communications/authentication. The priva te key isn’t shared with any person. A secret key on the other hand is a single key used in symmetric encryption algorithm and is only shared between the communicating parties and kept secret from all the others. The key must be transmitted to or shared with all parties by sue of a method outside the communication link it is intended to secure. Biometrics are defined as metrics related to human characteristics. Biometrics authentication is a form of identification and access control used to identify persons in groups under surveillance. The identifiers use unique and measurable traits to label and