Monday, September 30, 2019

Philosophy Vocabulary Essay

Individual:? single separate.? ? Existentialism:? a? philosophical? theory? or? approach? that? emphasizes? the? existence? of? the? individual? person? as? a? free? and? responsible? agent? determining? their? own? development? through? acts? of? the? will.? ? Consequentialism:? the? doctrine? that? the? morality? of? an? action? is? to? be? judged? solely? by? its? consequences.? ? Nihilism:? the? rejection? of? all? religious? and? moral? principles,? often? in? the? belief? that? life? is? meaningless.? ? Absurdity:? the? quality? or? state? of? being? ridiculous? or? wildly? unreasonable.? ? Hedonism:? the? pursuit? of? pleasure sensual? self? indulgence.? ? Objectivism:? the? belief? that? certain? things,? especially? moral? truths,? exist? independently? of? human? knowledge? or? perception? of? them.? ? Individualism:? the? habit? or? principle? of? being? independent? and? self? reliant.? ? Determinism:? the? doctrine? that? all? events,? including? human? action,? are? ultimately? determined? by? causes? external? to? the? will.? Some? philosophers? have? taken? determinism? to? imply? that? individual? human? beings? have? no? free? will? and? cannot? be? held? morally? responsible? for? their? actions.? ? Society:? the? aggregate? of? people? living? together? in? a? more? or? less? ordered? community.? ? Oppression:? prolonged? cruel? or? unjust? treatment? or? control.? ? Altruism:? the? belief? in? or? practice? of? disinterested? and? selfless? concern? for? the? well? being? of? others.? ? Utilitarianism:? the? doctrine? that? actions? are? right? if? they? are? useful? or? for? the? benefit? of? a? majority.? ? Biopower:? is? a? term? coined? by? French? scholar,? historian,? and? social? theorist? Michel? Foucault.? It? relates? to? the? practice? of? modern? nation? states? and? their? regulation? of? their? subjects? through? â€Å"an? explosion? of? numerous? and? diverse? techniques? for? achieving? the? subjugations? of? bodies? and? the? control? of? populations†.? ? Totalitarianism:? state? is? a? concept? used? by? some? political? scientists? in? which? the? state? holds? total? authority? over? the? society? and? seeks? to? control? all? aspects? of? public? and? private? life? wherever? possible.? ? Reciprocity:? the? practice? of? exchanging? things? with? others? for? mutual? benefit,? especially? privileges? granted? by? one? country?or? organization? to? another.? ? Socialism:? a? political? and? economic? theory? of? social? organization? that? advocates? that? the? means? of? production,? distribution,? and? exchange? should? be? owned? or? regulated? by? the? community? as? a? whole.? ? Communism:? a? political? theory? derived? from? Karl? Marx,? advocating? class? war? and? leading? to? a? society? in? which? all? property? is? publicly? owned? and? each? person? works? and? is? paid? according? to? their? abilities? and? needs.? ? Capitalism:? an? economic? and? political? system? in? which? a? country’s? trade? and? industry? are? controlled? by? private? owners? for? profit,? rather? than? by? the? state? ? Neoliberalism:? the? resurgence? of? ideas? associated? with? laissez? faire? economic? liberalism? beginning? in? the? 1970s? and? 1980s,? whose? advocates? support? extensive? economic? liberalization,? free? trade,? and? reductions? in? government? spending? in? order? to? enhance? the? role? of? the? private? sector? in? the? economy.? ? Neoconservatism:? relating? to? or? denoting? a? return? to? a? modified? form? of? a? traditional? viewpoint,? in? particular? a? political? ideology? characterized?  by? an? emphasis? on? free? market? capitalism? and? an? interventionist? foreign? policy.? ? Anthropocentrism:? the? belief? that? human? beings? are? the? central? or? most? significant? species? on? the? planet,? or? the? assessment? of? reality? through? an? exclusively? human? perspective.? ? Utopianism:? an? imagined? place? or? state? of? things? in? which? everything? is? perfect.? The? word? was? first? used? in? the? book? Utopia? (1516)? by? Sir? Thomas? More.? ? Deontology:? the? study? of? the? nature? of? duty? and? obligation.? Ontology:? the? branch? of? metaphysics? dealing?with? the? nature? of? being.? ? Epistemology:? the? theory? of? knowledge,? especially? with? regard? to? its? methods,? validity,? and? scope.? Epistemology? is? the? investigation? of? what? distinguishes? justified? belief? from? opinion.? View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Epistemology, Philosophy, Truth, Capitalism, Karl Marx, Classical liberalism, Communism, Political philosophy RELATED DOCUMENTS A Closer Look on the Effects of Reading to the Vocabulary Range of Readers and Non-Readers †¦ words. These words are called vocabulary words. Reading helps people improve their word range. Readers tend to search for the meaning of an unfamiliar word which improves their vocabulary. Readers are also able to widen their vocabulary when they use context clues. Readers have different vocabulary range. Most of the people have the impression that a bookworm have a wide range of vocabulary. But, in reality, not all†¦ 580   Words | 7   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Powerful Ways of Widening Vocabulary †¦ TS: I have learned four simple ways on which we can expand our vocabulary. I. Exercise wide independent reading. A. Through books B. Through magazines C. Through newspapers II. Keep tools for learning vocabularies handy. A. Such as pocket dictionaries B. Such as thesauruses C. Such as vocabulary notebooks III. Create a deep interest in word consciousness and awareness. A. By engaging in word play B. By†¦ 580   Words | 4   Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary †¦ language vocabulary. Two further distinctions in vocabulary are required to complete our model. We need to distinguish between a common core vocabulary known to all the members of a language community and specialized vocabularies, known only to special groups. We are of course primarily interested in the common core vocabulary.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Arts & academic Essay

First of all, I have the diligence, determination, and aptitude to take on an Arts degree and make the most out of it. In such a large university, the ability to interact with peers and mentors both on academic and social levels is of also prime importance for survival. I am fortunately blessed with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills that allow me to be able to interact well in diverse groups. I can speak out my mind politely and explain my thoughts clearly and comfortably to make my peers and mentors understand my ideas accurately. However, the quality in me that I believe above all else would make me a success in a university Arts program is my strong vision of what I intend to be in life. This vision of mine has guided me throughout my education, keeping me in track with what I want out of life. My vision gives me an exact sense of personality, and through it I derive meaning and originality. I know what I want and I know that I have what it takes to make it happen, and that will eventually make me a success in your Arts program.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Changing Global Economy ( ECON401 ) Assignment

The Changing Global Economy ( ECON401 ) - Assignment Example The firms which had failed in UK allowed their businesses to overextend through risk taking and excessive leverage, over dependence on risky product streams like derivatives or buy-to-let mortgages, poor decisions of management in respect of acquisitions, over reliance on wholesale funding. Unprecedented innovation and growth have been seen in the financial sector over the past two decades as new products and higher returns have been sought by the investors in the era of low interest rates. Banks also had an obligation to understand the risks to which they are exposed. The complexity of certain financial instruments and the interconnected developed global market often did not provide well understanding of the dangers involved with the banks, its investors and boards, central banks and regulators (HM Treasury, 2009). The risk models of banks were proved as flawed which was based on incomplete application of principles of finance. It was believed that risks had been widely distributed throughout the financial system by the method of securitization but it proved as mistaken and risks posed by global increase in leverage were under-estimated. The remuneration policies of banks have contributed to the riskiness of financial system as they focused too much on short term prof it. Market discipline also proved as an ineffective constraint on risk taking in financial markets (Independent Commission on Banking, 2011).There were certain deficiencies in the corporate governance of banking institutions. The board of banks failed to understand this and they got prone to the risk management processes of their firms. The senior management also did not question on the sustainability and nature of achieved higher returns. Many institutional shareholders were not able to monitor the effectiveness of senior management of banks nor did they challenge the decisions of board of bank. Generally, the banks and investors rely on the assessments of credit rating agency but

Friday, September 27, 2019

Islamic Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Islamic Art - Research Paper Example The main topic of the essay "Islamic Art" is the profound analysis of islamic architectural style and mosques in particular. For example, The Selimiye Mosque (1569-75), an Ottoman mosque in the city of Edirne in Turkey, has been one of the most magnificent illustrations of Islamic architecture and the mosque was commissioned by Sultan Selim II. Selimiye has been the most important monument in the historic city of Edirne, which was the capital of the Ottoman Empire before the conquest of Istanbul. In conclusion the author considers that, a reflective exploration of the various processes in the construction of the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne confirms that it is one of the most magnificent illustrations of Islamic architecture in general and Ottoman architecture in particular. It is the masterpiece by the celebrated Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan who has been effective in both outdoing the size and grandeur of the venerable Byzantine monument and in continuing a dialogue with his own Suleymaniye Mosque that was built twenty years earlier. In a profound understanding of the architectural and technological quality of this magnificent mosque, one comes to recognize why most modern historians regard it as the culminating achievement of Sinan’s distinguished fifty-year career as the chief architect of the Ottoman court. In short, the Selimiye Mosque can best be considered as the most important mosque in the city of Edirne which is well-known for its mosques, the elegant domes and minarets.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discourse Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discourse Analysis - Essay Example Critical discourse analysis has been widely used in educational research. On most occasions by educators or teachers who are keen in understanding and addressing issues that have to deal with their professional practice and activities (Widdowson, 2007). Most people enter the field of education, because they are concerned with issues dealing with equality, power and justice. It is therefore not a surprise that critical discourse analysis is able to give an appealing approach for an educator to understand on how issues in education affect them. Furthermore, through discourse analysis, educators have the capability of linking the details of an everyday practice, to a wide political and social (Schiffrin, Tannen and Hamilton, 2001). Discourse analysis would help in solving a research problem in education, mostly because it provides a basis in which a researcher understands some problems in research question, that are difficult for them to understand. Take for example, a research in higher education administration that seeks to analyze the effects of reduced government spending. The discourses under consideration would be funded research, constrained budget, and academic standards (Widdowson, 2007). By carefully analyzing these discourses, the researcher would get the ability of understanding an approach to use in answering the research

Intercultural Business Communication about Australia Country Research Paper

Intercultural Business Communication about Australia Country - Research Paper Example The country has a population of about 23 million people making it one of the world’s least populated countries due to its big size (Jupp 78). However, most of the land in Australia is forest cover. Australia is one of the world’s most economically successful countries in the world. For instance, it’s GDP and per capital income is has been rates as top five in the world. English is the main language in the country although some more languages from European and Asian migrants are also present. II. Types of Businesses or Industries in the country Australia has all sort f business. Being a first world country means that commerce in the country has matured and every business of every kind is present in the country. However, there are those businesses that are almost a trademark for Australia. Mining is a highly common business in Australia, and there are numerous copper mines that generate billions of dollars every year. Farming is also a significant part of Australia n commerce. Apart from these traditional commercial activities, the service industry has also peaked up very well. These include financial services, insurance and other service businesses. At the same time, transport industry is also a large part of the Australian commerce. ... The nation has six states with each state being governed by a governor and a governor general overseeing all states. A parliamentary system is used with the queen of Australia (living in England) being the head and represented by his representatives who are the governors. IV. People Australia has a well mixed population ranging from the aboriginals to the whites and also foreigners. The culture of the people is also highly well mixed because most of the adult population is made up of the off springs of immigrant parents who came from various parts of the world (Jupp 89). However, the nation seems to have imported American popular culture which has become dominant especially among urban dwellers. Australia has highly educated citizens. With numerous world class universities in the country, the country has been able to have truly educated professionals. With regard to religion, a majority of the people in Australia are Christians. A greater majority of the people in Australia are Chris tians (making about sixty percent), and the second largest group is that if non-religious people which include atheism, rationalism and humanism. Other religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Hindu are also present, but all constitute to the least of the population. Although Christianity is the main religion in Australia, it is not a state religion since there is no state religion in Austria, as per the requirements of the constitution of Australia. Australia has people of all decent. In this regard, the aboriginals who are the ultimate natives of Australia make only about one percent of the population. V. Taboos Australia does not have a lot of taboos, but there are a number of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Security Policy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Security Policy Analysis - Essay Example These company’s make earnings from these projects (Luetge & Jauernig, n.d.). As a result, they need to mitigate risks facing the projects as one of the factors that will influence the project. In regard to that, there is a need to identify, examine and regulate the threats that may affect the completion of any project. The company also faces other threats not related to the projects in any manner. These form the institution risks. Most of them will attempt to obstruct the system from achieving its objectives. It involves the organization settling on priorities concerning the efforts made in the institution and the use of resources for optimum achievement. It should span all the mission areas of the company. Assume you are a technical advisor for the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of your organization. The CIO sends you an email communicating that she wants to be briefed on "OMB M-11-11" because the administrator has just added it to the list of priorities for the organization. She has limited knowledge of the policy and needs to know how it will effect the organization, and what we have already accomplished towards meeting the requirements within the system. First, I would report on what OMB-11-11 is (, 2015). In relation to that, it is a policy that advocates for the implementation of identity verification among persons to facilitate authorization to have access to information systems, networks and facilities in an organization. Next, I will report on the implementation of OMB-11-11. The application will entail a detailed procedure and use of software applications that will make the process simpler such as a Xsuite. The access control mechanism will offer privileges such as keeping track of passwords, access methods that rely on keys both for network and information systems. Through such application software, it is possible to separate authorization and authentication to beef up security especially in highly sensitive areas of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Politics in Comparative Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Politics in Comparative Perspective - Essay Example Through the internet, talk shows and television, the media has taken a central role in contemporary politics. Politicians are now able to voice their agendas through new forms of social media. In the liberal democracies, the legislature has vital roles in which the primary role is in the formulation of laws. This paper will discuss the role of parliaments in modern democracies with reference to various countries. The concept of multi-level governance and its significance in understanding policy-making will be discussed. The paper will discuss the functions of constitution and critically appraise the role of media in modern politics as well as make comparisons of parliaments in two liberal democracies. Moreover, the paper will discuss media in contemporary politics and legislature in liberal democracies. The role of parliament in modern democracies The parliament has several duties in modern societies. The parliament plays a fundamental role as a state organ. The parliament appraises the legislative proposals during the process of their passage. It also supervises the responsibilities of the executive and acts as a watchdog on activities of the government. The parliamentary committee framework allows the legislators to devolve their labor and focus on specific area of expertise. The parliamentary committee systems are crucial structures for legislative mechanisms often referred to as miniature legislatures or microcosms of their progenitor parliamentary bodies. Most countries tend to depend on such committees to perform legislative duties. Bangladesh for instance, adopts the parliamentary system of government. The parliament wields all legislative authority. Bangladesh’s parliamentary system had been replaced with single party presidential system due to political differences between parties and government party, which exercised immense power and failed to recognize the formal opposition party in parliament. However, the military took over and abolished th e one-party presidential system in 1975. Bangladesh had been under civil-military regime dominated by the military for 17 years. Parliament policies adopted during this period served the interest of the regime. However, the parliamentary system of governance was revived in 1991 after civil unrest erupted (Mahiuddin 2009). Mahiuddin (2009) observed that the Bangladesh parliamentary committees tended to participate more in supervising activities of government rather than appraising policy matters. Political parties tend to influence the functioning of the parliamentary committees within the context of conflicting politics. This implies that the parliamentary committees tend to be dysfunctional when there is lack of collaboration between various parties involved. Notwithstanding such limitations, the parliamentary committees tend to nurture training environment for legislators to enhance their parliamentary norms and knowledge of regulations. Bangladesh’s parliament had been uni cameral since the promulgation of constitution in 1972, which entrusted all legislative power to Jatiya Sansad or one-chambered parliament. The president was the chief of nominal executive while the prime minister wielded real executive power. This system is similar to the cabinet government of UK. The discretion of prime minister and cabinet towards the legislature was mutual. Parliamentary committees were adopted from the British. The standing and select committees

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Prison industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prison industries - Essay Example However, on ground evidence suggests that correctional companies are not earning a sufficient amount of profit over their investment inside the correctional industry. Rather, they incur more cost than earning a sufficient amount of profit. The fundamental cause is that ever increasing cost over maintaining such correctional facilities have brought down the profit of such companies. And this ever growing cost is simultaneously visible in both private and public run correctional facilities. Additionally, in some states, there are more facilities and lesser inmates. As a result, this increases cost of maintaining such facilities. Furthermore, there are certain studies which suggest that more legislation is required to bring many types of offences under the cover of constitution. Or on many such issues, the process of legislation is very slow. Fundamentally, this issue has been politicized and the political parties move in a way to satisfy their political interests rather than taking suc h steps necessary to get approved the necessary legislation. Aggregately, these factors diminish the chances of profitability in the correctional industry. However certain measures may be suggested to improve the possibility of profitability in the industry.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gender Equality Essay Example for Free

Gender Equality Essay Irrespective of the country and the cultures people live in, it is next to impossible to keep the question of gender equality hidden in the modern society. When the word gender equality was voiced in the 19th century what was been sought was political rights. Not only then but also today inequality between men and women has been evident in our society. Discrimination against women is an act that has had a lot of negative impact in our society and to the women themselves. This has been demonstrated through gender violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequalities and harmful traditional practices. It is a concern to the whole world to a point of making the affirmative action to fix this problem. Gender equality first and foremost is a human right; women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from fear and want (Tomasevski, 1993). Should men and women be equal in the modern society? Men and women are equal; only that women are victims of pervert social progress. Gender discrimination between men and women leads to unequal access to the resources and benefits of development. see more:gender discrimination short essay Gender inequality affects all people; sustainable gains in development and poverty reduction are only possible when men and women are full and equal participants in society. Men and women are different but they are equal in that whatever men can do their women counter parts can do it well. Men and women are equal what brings the discrimination is the socialization that men and women get. The notion that women are weak has denied many women with the ability to exploit the abilities they have (Tierney, 2007). Men and women are equal in so many aspects and should be equal. Politically, financially and academically no much difference that can be noted, it is insignificant. In the political realms there are women who are doing extemporal well. Taking the example of the just concluded US election Hillary Clinton had good support and motions that would be bought by the rest of the candidates. In the world of business we have Oprah Winfrey; an indicator of what women can do. She is competing among the men in that field and still her success is a threat to many. In the modern society women have been known to take responsibilities of raising the families. Women have come up so well in that their dependency level is going down even though they are discriminated in salaries. This is a proof enough that if women are given equal opportunity with men they can do much well. In the employment sector women are taking those opportunities which were thought to be for men (Kramarae Spender, 2000). Women are managers of big companies and also owners just as men. They are also well represented in the government sectors and in the government. They have become career makers. Men have the initiative of sharing the household responsibilities. It is a common occurrence that couples can choose whether it is the woman or the man who will get a leave to take care of their new borne baby. Men and women are equal in the eyes of the law; they are subjected under the same law. Women are equal to men in all aspects hence in the modern society they should get the right to basic needs, education, job training and employment as men do. Empowering women is a great tool for reducing poverty and advancing development. Empowered women contribute to productivity and health in the families and communities and hence improved prospects for the next generation (Cross, 2001). The idea that men are stronger physically is just a preference of a few. If women are given similar opportunities as men they can perform equally well. Denial of opportunity has contributed to decreased performance of women in various areas. On the other hand both women and men should not forget their roles though sharing of responsibilities is taking root in the modern society. References: Cross, P. L. (2001): Womens Rights are Human Rights; Human Rights are Womens Rights. Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://www. pinn. net/~sunshine/essays/w_rights. html Kramarae, C. , Spender D, (2000): Routledge International Encyclopaedia of Women: Global Womens Issues and Knowledge. ISBN 0415920906, 9780415920902, Routledge Tierney, J. (2007): Men and Women, Different but Equal: What’s the Problem? Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://tierneylab. blogs. nytimes. com/2007/09/09/men-and-women-different-but-equal-whats-the-problem/ Tomasevski, K. , (1993). Women and Human Rights. ISBN 185649120X, 9781856491204, Zed Books

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ray Ozzies Role at Microsoft

Ray Ozzies Role at Microsoft Introduction Ray Ozzie was the known to play a major role at the lotus notes before he became the Chief Software Architect of the Microsoft team (Microsoft, 2010). In 2005, he aimed to webify† Microsoft in order to level up with the wide use of internet and search engines such as Yahoo! and Google. He had to create a management strategy in order to find out the best way to share the information through his colleagues and be able to sum up the ideas on how to maintain the revenues of the company. The case study, Ray Ozzie, Software Strategist†, relates with the everyday processes, practices and activities that are involved in creating a strategy. Why was the Semiahmoo retreat not successful in creating sustained momentum around the issue of Microsofts core? The March retreat of the companys top 110 or so executives including Bill Gates was not successful because they failed to discuss the key factors about the Microsofts core. It is said that the company relied on selling proprietary software straight to users or to the manufacturers of computer for pre-installation on machines. However, the strategy was being challenged by free open-source software like linux and web- based companies whose software was free off the internet and supported by advertising such as Google or Yahoo!. This seemed to leave the company behind the emerging software that offers free access over the internet and is able to use by the customers directly. The companys processes of reaching the market have had difficulties most especially the shipping of products. Retreat at Semiahmoo was not able to initiate a clear discussion of the things that Microsoft has to do in order to get back to the emerging companies in the Information Technology industry today. They have got breakout sessions in order to brainstorm various strategic issues and it was observed that the people within the company relate to Bill. It appeared to be more of a team building for the executives and the group refused to organise the issues covering the strategy or the issue of the Microsofts core. They argued it was untimely and likely to cause unnecessary apprehension to engage more people as it involves the past strategies. Thus, the momentum from the retreat on Semiahmoo did not have enough space to tackle the said issue. The importance of focus on the processes and practices with regard to the activities of the company is given much attention rather than the issue of sustaining the strategy for selling products in a unique manner (Christensen, 1997). The practice of strategy involves the important components of how the organisation manages its people and links the outcomes from strategising events, activities, meetings and other. In addition to, the focus of the group went to the attraction of the place, perhaps, and the experience to bond with each other. The strategic challenge that Microsoft was facing was not clearly defined as well. The team relied on the past strategy and thought it was irrelevant to review. The retreat ended without accomplishing what was really tasked to do because the team overlooked the criticisms about the past strategies without realising that it is important to be able to figure out what specific changes to focus on or where exactly they should concentrate. Why was Ozzie more successful in creating follow-on action after the Robinswood retreat? After the Semiahmoo retreat, the company had a second retreat because the first attempt to create a strategy for the Microsofts core evaporated. Ozzie took charge of the second retreat and it was successful. Although Ozzie have not tried working intimately with the team, he took his chance on delivering and defining the strategic challenge that the company was facing. The retreat was held as Robinswood house where in it appeared to be substandard unlike the Semiahmoo retreat. Ozzie provided a 51- page memo beforehand that describes his diagnosis of the strategic challenge facing Microsoft. He detailed out the challenges for the company through his friendly mood and did not confront anyone with the past mistakes of the company. He opened up a discussion through an invigorating exercise about the unfavourable things happening in the present technical and organisational strategy of the company (Fried, 2009). Thus, it gave the team a chance to speak up and raise the issues with regard to the mistakes of the company on its operations most especially the issues that they have to solve most especially the fluctuating revenues of Microsoft. The meeting resulted on a more intense discussion with the team about the future strategies that could benefit the organisation. A progress was made although a good deal of controversy was still present. Furthermore, Ozzie put a highlight on the changing environment and the importance of service to the clients. The communications technologies have drastically developed into a more convenient form. In the modern world, the people pay much attention to the interaction with the company and its products and services and how they are able to use in a simple way. The businesses are directly reaching the customers with lower costs and provide a great service. Technology companies are now practicing ways to sell the products without the hassle of shipping and most importantly with lower costs such as downloading the application directly from the website supported by advertisements and the like. As Ozzie have seen, Microsoft is not developing a strategy on how to compete within the industry most especially the strategy of advertising- supported services and software over the internet. The strategy depicts innovation and fives the foundation for the web developers to improve and develop the services to the customers. Microsoft has to embrace this kind of business strategy in order to come up with a more practical way to reach and interact with the market and benefit the company with remarkable revenue. The company have to reflect on its past mistakes and relate to the present environment to be able to emerge with what is going in the market. The leadership responsibilities, strengths and weaknesses of the company should be discussed in a genial manner so an immediate response from the team could result to a better strategy to solve the challenges. The business might be at risk if the team fails to handle the dilemma accordingly and did not maintain an open communication (Levy, 2008). Comment on Ozzies communications strategy with regard to the Internet Services Disruption. The communication strategy of Ozzie is indeed a good way to reach the executive staff and he explained clearly what his goals are for the company. According to the memo, he has a lot of positive reasons to innovate more with regard to the strategic challenge that the company is facing. He delivered the memo very well such as stating that the leaders understand the efficiency of eradicating the hindrances on developing products. Reorganisation is considered to be an important step for improving the alertness of the company (Ozzie, 2005). He maintained a positive outlook on the past strategy of the company although it prevailed to put the business at risk. He still considered past strategies to start the development of the company on what he aims on his recent strategies. It is a very good way to motivate the organisation to move on to the next stage and be able to encourage them to participate and work accordingly. His idea of differentiating the strategy from the past developments of the company made it significant to understand the whole point. He immediately perceived the feedbacks of the readers so he addressed, in advanced, the possible doubts of the readers of his memo. Ozzie continues to innovate as he mentioned a continuous change every five years for the company to cope with the changing environment of the market considering that technology is growing rapidly. His focus on the recent strategic issues gives the memo a clearer objective to increase the motivation for the team to work well on creating new products and continuously creating a solution to the challenges. Ozzie is catered to the transformation of the company into a more user-friendly and interactive to reach the customers, partners and other for bigger opportunities (Ozzie, 2005). Thus, Ozzies communication strategy promotes a vision and a set of well- defined goals and objective that makes a dependable leader to integrate the varied activities and ideas of the whole team. Conclusion Ray Ozzie worked well on the creation of new strategies for the Microsoft such as going live and being more interactive with its users. Advertising-supported software and other internet-based applications are emerging in the market and are doing well with its revenues. The techniques of internet advertising have drastically affected by the innovations on technology. The use of broadband is considered to be a blanket for the market starting from the purchase of the computer up to the installation of its software and applications. Hence, it calls for an extensive innovation for Microsoft to comprehend with the use of the World Wide Web. Works Cited Ray Ozzie, Software Strategist: Case Study† (Please put the details of the book where you get the case study) Christensen, C. The Innovators Dilemma, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1997 Fried, I. Ray Ozzies view from the clouds†, cnet news. (November 18, 2009) from retrieved 02/19/10. Levy, S. Ray Ozzie Wants to Push Microsoft Back Into Startup Mode†, Wired Magazine: 16.12. (November 24, 2008) from retrieved 02/19/10. Microsoft. Microsoft Announces Plans for July 2008 Transition for Bill Gates†, Microsoft New Center (2010) from retrieved 02/20/10. Ozzie, R. Internet Services Disruption†, (October 28, 2005), from retrieved 02/19/10.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Loss: Hamlet’s Emotional Connection Tool Essay examples -- Literary An

The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare is about a young man who is returning from his studies to mourn the death of his father. During this time he is visited by the ghost of his father and asked to avenge a â€Å"Murder most foul† (Shakespeare 1.5.33). In the play of Hamlet, we can recognize at least one element that has embroidered itself into the very fabric of modern literature: this element of particular importance is the protagonist’s ability to appeal to every viewer emotionally. In the play, the viewer develops emotional links with Hamlet following the many losses he or she witnesses, such as the loss of family, the loss of his childhood friends, the loss of trust in the world and ultimately the loss of innocence. The first loss we encounter is the loss of family; Hamlet arrives in Denmark to mourn the loss of his father. The loss of a parent affects many people very deeply, giving them in a sense of insecurity and complete sorrow. In the first scene with Hamlet, he is dressed all in black and speaks of the turmoil he feels: â€Å"O, That this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew† (1.2.133-134) This very vivid description adequately expresses the feelings experienced in times of loss. Hamlet is feeling alone now that his father is gone and his mother seems to have hastily moved on and he makes note of this in his first soliloquy: â€Å"O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourn'd longer - married with my uncle†(1.2.154-155) Children often have difficulty with their parents remarrying following the death of the other parent. Christina Gregoire writes in her article concerning the impact of remarriage on adult children (older than eighteen), that a parent remarryi... ...changed and â€Å"The rest is silence† (5.2.395) Works Cited Bud. â€Å"Losing a Best Friend,† A Boundless World. 15 Sept. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. â€Å"Friendship or Betrayal.† 10 Apr. 2007. Web. 17 Jan 2011 Gregoire, Christina. â€Å"Adult Children of Divorce and New Step Parents,† Suite101. 25 Dec. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. â€Å"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends†. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. Schneider, Arthur J. â€Å"Adult Children of Divorce and New Step Parents,† University of Missouri Extension. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square- Pocket 1992. Print. Yager, Jan. â€Å"6 Types of Toxic Friends and How You Can Deal with Them,† iVillage Health. 25 Feb. 2003. Web. 17 Jan. 2011.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Essay

Great discoveries always begin with great questions. Barbara Ehrenreich asked two great questions, â€Å"how does anyone live on the wages available to the unskilled† and â€Å"how were the roughly four million women about to be booted into the labor market by welfare reform, going to make it on $6 to $7 an hour† (2001, p. 12). To answer the questions, Ehrenreich embarked upon a journey to discover for herself, whether she could match income to expense as a low-wage worker. In effect, Ehrenreich tested the fundamental premise of The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, also known as welfare reform, in order to determine whether those individuals formerly on welfare and largely unskilled, could earn a living wage on the minimum wage. In the book, Ehrenreich documented her experiences working a series of minimum wage jobs as a waitress, a maid and a nursing home dietary assistant. Ehrenreich found that in order to make ends meet and afford a place to live and food to eat, she needed to work two jobs, which left her in a constant state of exhaustion and pain. She also observed of her fellow servers that, â€Å"everyone who lacks a working husband or boyfriend seems to have a second job† (2001, p. 48). Many of her co-workers shared the same challenge with affordable living arrangements, some living in a van, with their mother, sharing rooms with strangers or even living in a dry-docked boat (Ehrenreich, 2001). Not only did Ehrenreich find that the wages offered unskilled workers were not enough to meet the basic needs of food and shelter, but that there are a â€Å"host of special costs† (2001, p. 27) incurred by the working poor. For example, workers are required to invest their own funds in pa rtial uniform and pay ... ...y Status, by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin Washington D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census Retrieved from U.S. Department of Labor. (2011). Employment status of the population, 1940s to date Washington D.C.: Bureau of Labor Statistics Retrieved from U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families. (2011). TANF - Data and Reports. Washington D.C.: U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services Retrieved from U.S. Office of Management and Budget. (2011). Table 11.3—Outlays for Payments for Individuals by Category and Major Program: 1940–2016. Washingon D.C.: White House Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

Terraforming Mars Project Terraform Mars is a difficult task that us as humans are trying to accomplish to fulfill the entirety of our speeches . There is a number of ways to achieve this task , but there are many questions that we do not have answers for. This paper will present my idea for how we could terraform Mars to successfully elongate the human speeches . According to Thefreedictionary. com terraforming is defined as transforming another planet into one having the same characteristics of landscape as earth. The terraforming process could take anywhere from 100 years to 20,000 thousand years to complete entirely, due to the tedious process of making Mars suitable for human life. I believe that it will take nearly 1,000 years to complete entirely my process of terraforming mars. What makes it so difficult to get to Mars is one the launch window time, which mean when Earth and Mars are nearest to each other. The time that we know of so far for the next launch windows is 2013 November -2014 January,2016 January- April , and 2018 April -May,2020 July - September according to wikipedia. This is why it is so difficult to get to Mars, there are only certain times that you can launch and it be such a short flight. This is one of the many reason that I believe that it will take 1,000 years to terraform Mars. As we arrive to Mars there are some resources already there, such as water and atmospheric 02. But the difficult part about these resources is that we have to transform them in a certain way so it can be used for humans. We would have to extract the water from the rich soil using a tool, therefore this would be our water source. We would also have to bring some sort of greenhouse so we could grow plants and give off mor... ... Viking 2 was also a orbiter and a lander that reached Mars August 1976, both were very successful and sent back many of images.The Pathfinder orbiter reached Mars July 1997 and lasted for total of 3 months, its major discoveries were measuring the atmosphere of Mars.The Sojourner was the brother of the Pathfinder but it was a rover. It reached Mars July 1997 , and had many discoveries of investigating of Mars soil and rocks. The Spirit lander landed on Mars in January 2004 using its air bag system. It was the longest successful rover as of yet lasting about 6 years . Opportunity rover is the sister to Spirit, which landed January 2004 and lasted for around 4 years, its main mission was to explore the Martian environment. Phoenix reached Mars on May 2008 near the north pole, and analyzed the soil receiving images and data, and with the major discovery of water ice.

Advantages and disadvantages of taking curriculum packages from the centre as mere proposals and not prescriptions in Zimbbwe Essay

There are several views of curriculum that many involved have encountered. One view is that the curriculum must be a prescription; it should tell educators and all involved what to do, how to do it and in what order. Another view is that a curriculum is just a mere proposal; there is room for modifications and other provisions. In Zimbabwe, the national curriculum comes from the Curriculum Development Unit (CDU), which is the Centre, where specialist curricularists develop it. The curriculum is distributed as a package to the provinces and districts then lastly to the schools where it is to be implemented by educators. This exposition seeks to identify some of the advantages and disadvantages of taking such packages as proposals and not as prescriptions in Zimbabwe. Stenhouse (1975) defines curriculum as â€Å"†¦ an attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of an educational proposal in such a form that it is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice†. He suggests that a curriculum is rather like a recipe in cookery. A curriculum, like the recipe for a dish, is first imagined as a possibility, then the subject of an experiment. The recipe offered publicly is in a sense a report on the experiment. Similarly, a curriculum should be grounded in practice. It is an attempt to describe the work observed in classrooms so that it is well communicated to teachers and learners. So, within limits, if a recipe can be changed and varied according to taste so can a curriculum (Stenhouse 1975: 4-5). This definition focuses more on the process of teaching and learning, the angle from which this discourse unfolds. One advantage of taking a curriculum package as a proposal is that teachers are empowered professionally resulting in greater academic growth. Stenhouse (1975) is of the idea that the proposal is not to be regarded as an unqualified recommendation but rather as a provisional specification, implying that it should not limit the freedom and creativity of both teachers and students. In Zimbabwe, such an approach can be widely accepted because educators can expect, even invite negotiation and transaction, and use their practical situational knowledge for implementation and for modifying the original package according to the demands and resources of their specific localities. Using this approach in Zimbabwe where we find different ethnicities with unique customs, beliefs and lifestyles, makes the learning experience meaningful and relevant allowing learners to gain a sense of ownership of their education. This expansive exposure, which also directly involves the local community, is beneficial to the learner in that it equips one to be a well-rounded and adaptable member of society. More so, and associated with the above, given the uniqueness of each school and classroom setting in Zimbabwe, the scripted curriculum is not always appropriate for all learners. Some students sometimes have difficulty accessing areas of the curriculum that can be challenging. Taken as a proposal, it is an advantage for the teacher to be able to modify teaching approach, take note of the leaners’ differences and make sure that everyone catered for. The curriculum’s success highly depends on the methods of instruction put in place by the teachers. A curriculum therefore â€Å"†¦ is a way of translating any educational idea into a hypothesis testable in practice. It invites critical testing rather than acceptance† (Stenhouse (1975:144). Thus in this sense, a curriculum is not a package of materials or a syllabus of ground to be covered but simply a guideline on the practice of teaching. As such, the major disadvantage of the proposal approach is that it rests upon the quality of teachers. There is need for highly qualified teachers who are able to modify curriculum. There will be severe consequences on what could happen educationally if the teacher is inadequately trained. Zimbabwe is highly dependent on untrained teachers to fill the void left by professionals opting to work abroad.Gatawa(1990) contends that if the curriculum package is taken as a proposal, there is a high probability that teachers will only teach what they know, ignoring the major objectives of the document all together. This means there is no guarantee that national goals will be achieved because the curriculum will be too localized and in turn produces students with limited marketability. Invariably so, Gatawa (1990) is of the view that there will be too many curricula in one education system, making it virtually impossible for learners to transfer from one school to another. Eunitah et al (2013) contend that in developing educational contexts like Zimbabwe, it is premature to do away with centrally prescribed curricula in order to accomplish uniformity in the provision of education. This implies that developing countries like Zimbabwe need a centralised curriculum system to determine levels of academic growth and educational development. Financially, the proposal approach is not viable because institutions have to continually replace curriculum material or buy material to suit a particular teacher’s desire (Lawton, 1980). Taking the curriculum package as a proposal does not work in this context so the prescription approach is therefore more suitable. In light of the above, one advantage of taking a curriculum package as a prescription is that the syllabus content is decided upon centrally and is based upon the goals and philosophy of the nation (Gatawa, 1990) . This means there is uniformity in what is being taught so learners can easily adapt if there is need for a transfer. There is also uniformity in that learners taking the same subjects sit for the same examinations and one examination board like ZIMSEC, as in the Zimbabwean context, is responsible. Entry requirements for universities and colleges can be centrally determined and parity can be ensured. Lawton (1980) is also of the view that the prescriptive approach to curriculum implementation satisfies the political need for a system of accountability. In Zimbabwe, there are considerably more government educational institutions than private ones so when the ‘prescription’ is explicitly stuck to, educators can account for the resources invested in the education sector by the state. More so, a prescriptive approach to the curriculum package makes sure that the Ministry of Education approves all textbooks used. Where teachers are minimally trained, as is the case with temporary teachers in Zimbabwe, the prescriptive curriculum tells the teacher what to teach, how to teach it and the materials to use in the process. Maravanyika (1982) is of the view that it makes standards and expectations about what should be taught and learnt clear to everyone. A prescribed curriculum therefore makes progress and attainment measurable and comparable on a national scale .That way, underperformance is easily dealt with while success can be modeled and shared. To this end, the prescriptive slant is more effective as it limits deviations that may otherwise be of no relevance, come examination time. However, taking a curriculum package as a prescription undermines what Lawton (1980) terms a ‘†¦teachers’ legitimate desire for professional autonomy†¦.’.This means the prescriptive slant is too restrictive and assumes that the user is incapable of making a good curriculum. This scuppers teacher development because it does not allow for research. The educator is limited to giving the prescribed instruction that generally stresses content, mainly knowledge, at the expense of the development of attitudes and skills. In Zimbabwe, learners are chiefly taught to pass examinations rather than to master and develop lifelong skills (Ndawi and Maravanyika, 2011). There is a scramble for certificates with little regard for the development and demonstration of productive skills. The education system is therefore suffering instead of developing. Above all, the prescriptive approach also overlooks the possible differences in the availability of resources. It assumes that educational institutions have the same facilities; learners are similar and operate in the same circumstances (Tanner and Tanner, 1975). This is clearly not the case in Zimbabwe, rural schools are traditionally underfunded and the infrastructure is either temporary or dilapidated. This is the reason why most rural based schools tend to perform poorly compared to urban schools. Curriculum implementation should take socio-geographical learner diversity into consideration, the essence of which involves addressing the needs of different learners at different institutions. In summation, the proposal approach fosters lifelong learning and independent thinking but is exhaustive in terms of skills and resources. The prescriptive method is also beneficial and even more appropriate in Zimbabwe’s examination oriented system.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mendez vs Westminster Essay

We all know of the famous trial that happen on May 17, 1954, a trial that ended all segregation in school districts all over the United States of America. With this law being enforce by the 14th amendment, it change the whole nation, colored people were now being allowed to enter into real academic schools, and compete for a better future. Of course I am talking about the Oliver Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, better known as Brown vs. the Board of Education. Even though this trial was a large stepping stone in the United States, it was not the first attempt at the desegregation of the school system. There was another case that was the creation of Brown vs. the Board of Education. This case has been forgotten over time due to the huge popularity of Brown vs. the Board of Education. Even though Brown vs. the Board of Education was more popular, both cases were important and had a large amount of similarities. The only differences were that the first was fought seven years prior to the second and a difference of ethnicity. Both cases were important in many ways, the only problem is, why is it that only one is credited and the other not? Both cases were fought for the same reason. Mendez vs. Westminster was the first big court case that stopped segregation in all the schools systems of the state of California. The reason I say this is the stepping stone of Brown vs. the Board of Education is because The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the favor of Mendez vs. Westminster, which concluded to the desegregation of schools all over California; this was the stepping stone to Brown vs. the board of Education because it was seven years prior to the ruling of Brown. The Mendez case was used to back up the Brown vs. Board of Education case and helped shape the ideas of a young NAACP attorney, Thurgood Marshall, it very surprising to people to see that Thurgood Marshall was also a lawyer in the Mendez case. You may be thinking that only LULAC (which is a Latino organization) was the only one involved with this case; but as you now know, the NCAAP contributed their part (Maria Blanco, The Lasting Impact of Mendez v. Westminster in the Struggle for Desegregation, Thu, Mar 25, 2010, http://www. immigrationpolicy. rg/perspectives/lasting-impact-mendez-v-westminster-struggle-desegregation). This was great because it forced two different ethnicities and cultures join together for the same cause, which was to have the same education as white individuals and to desegregate school campuses. We are going to be looking more into the history of the trial Mendez vs. Westminster, as well as how and why it started and similarities between both the Mendez case, a s well as the Brown Case. On April 1947 there was a decision ruling on the Mendez vs. the Board of Education. The United States of America Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in San Francisco ruled in favor of Mendez and the other parents that stood up to the Westminster School District. Judge McCormick stated that â€Å"according to California Laws the segregation of Mexican-American public school children in the absence of a state law mandating their segregation violate California law as well as the equal protection of the law clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution (A History of Mexican Americans in California, Wed, Nov 17 2004 10:00:00 pm PDT http://www. cr. nps. gov/history/online_books/5views/5views5h99. htm)†. The reason this lawsuit did not go all the way to the Supreme Court was because in the Court’s ruling, it noted that the United States Supreme Court’s segregation decisions were not controlling because, at this time, there was no Hispanic race; In this era all Mexican Americans were considered Caucasian. â€Å"The key fact . . . was that California’s Education Code did not specifically provide for segregation of children of Mexican origin. . . . And since California law did not allow for separate Mexican schools, the requirement that children at tend such schools could be considered arbitrary action taken without ‘due process of law. †(Charles Wollenberg, All Deliberate Speed, 1976, p. 127) This case could not have gone to the Supreme Court because the law of the state said nothing about segregating Mexican Americans in the Constitution (http://www. cr. nps. gov/history/online_books/5views/5views5h99. htm)†. On Brown vs. the Board of Education it was a little different, because Black was considered a different race; and according to the Plessey vs. Ferguson case of 1896, it states it could segregate a race, as long as it provides a separate but equal law (http://www. cr. nps. gov/history/online_books/5views/5views5h99. tm). Now that we know a little bit more information about the trial, lets learn why all the Mexican American parents got together in order for their kids to get the same education as all the other Caucasian kids in the neighborhood. It all started in the late 1920s-1930s. As the Mexican and Mexican American population started to increase in California, more white Americans started getting scared; this led to segregation in schools. Not only were schools getting segregated but housing was also being segregated as well (Maria Blanco, The Lasting Impact of Mendez v.  Westminster in the Struggle for Desegregation, pg. 2 Thu, Mar 25, 2010). It all started in 1945 with Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez, who were new to the city and had just moved to a farm in Westminster. The reason they moved to Westminster was because they had leased a farm there from a Japanese family, due to Roosevelt’s executive order 9066. As the Mendez family sent their kids to the public school closest to their neighborhood one early morning, which was the Seventeenth Street School, Westminster, in Orange County. The parents were shocked when both kids had to return, because they could not attend the school do to their race. They had to attend the Mexican American School that was further away. That was not the only case, the Mexican American schools that were built for the children, were unethical. The 17th Street School was not only brand new, but it also had had a beautiful playground, it had a nice cafeteria, it had good educators that could help the students, and do not forget a non-electronic fence. How could you compare that with Hover, which was the Mexican school? Hover was old and next to a cow pasture that was made out of old barracks WESTCOTT, JOHN. â€Å"OUR LEGACY: MILLENNIUM MOMENTS Family Rejected `Mexican School’; Mendez Vs. Westminster Ended State Segregation Ahead of U. S: MORNING Edition. † Orange County Register,1999). Robbie who was one of the Mexican American students, that was supposed to attend 17th Street School, but because of his ethnicity had to go to the other school Hover explains his experience, â€Å"†¦It was a terrible little shack, I don’t even remember having any monkey bars or any swings or anything like that to play with. In fact when we had to eat lunch, we would go outside and eat lunch at the tables that were next to the cow pasture. There was wire around the cow pasture to keep the cows out, but it was electrocuted. There was a little bit of electricity; at that time it was allowed to have a little bit of electricity on the wires to keep the cows from getting too close to the fence†¦ (Espinosa, Martina, California hidden curriculum: institutional Discrimination in the Fourth Grade, pg. 57)†.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

“North and South” depends on contrasts for its momentum Essay

Gaskell is a very capable writer; she uses many skills to create atmosphere, tension and emotion in her book. However, to create the energy in her stories that makes her stand out as a writer, she uses contrast in many different forms The locations in the story contrast with each other, reflecting different stages in life of Margaret. In London, where she first starts off, it is polite, reserved and superficial. Her life there is complacently indolent. When she moves back to Helstone, we see it is still very leisurely and languid, but there is a solid and healthy feel to it. She then goes to Milton, which is in complete contrast. Here it is a very functional town; everyone is preoccupied and determined. There is more a feeling of energy about the people, it is a centre for new ideas, but it is also very dirty, smoggy and cold compared to the green of Helstone. In chapter 8 we see a clear contrast in Edith’s letter from Corfu, describing a hot, clean atmosphere of idleness and happiness compared to Margaret’s depressed north. Social values are another important factor in the story that gives it momentum Views on Religion help to distinguish the characters. Bessy believes very strongly in God while Mr. Higgins does not. This is mirrored in Margaret’s different attitudes to her father about questioning the church. There is also the importance of the employer and employee relationship. Margaret disagrees with the strong feeling of a parent and child relationship that exists between the masters and men, that often creates tension. There are differences not only between those that are rich and those that are not, but also gain and use of that wealth. There is an obvious contrast between Bessy, Margaret and Fanny. They are all the same age but live completely different lives according to their wealth. Bessy is poor and suffers greatly from the poverty. Margaret is comfortable while Fanny benefits from her brother’s wealth and like Edith enjoys an idle lifestyle. The Mr. Hales position is not as respected in the North as it is in the south, as reflected in the family’s trouble in getting a servant. There is also a difference in their route to wealth, Mr. Thornton’s is by being dynamic, working hard and seizing opportunities, while Mr. Hale’s was by doing dull, tedious work for many years. But it is their attitudes to wealth that are so different. The south prefer simple decoration, they have a secure knowledge of their wealth, while in the north, their need to heavily ornate and decorate themselves and surroundings is emphasised, showing a clear insecurity, and need to â€Å"show off†. This is best summed up at the dinner party, where Margaret shows distaste at the gross amount of food laid out before her, which is particularly shown up against her previous visit to Bessy’s house. The characters have to be both the easiest and strongest way of showing contrasts, and creating energy. The first contrast we see is at the beginning of chapter 1, where the differences between Edith and Margaret are made clear. Edith is superficial; she acts childishly, showing off her husband. Margaret on the other hand is full of intense reactions, nostalgia and basic sincerity. The next clear difference we see is of that between Margaret and her parents. Unlike both her parents, Margaret is strong and independent. Her father even has to rely on her to break news of the move to her mother. However, the best example of contrast is the first meeting of Margaret and Mr. Thornton. Here we see a strong sense of masculinity and femininity, the sexual tension is strong, and adds an electrifying air to the confrontation. Mr. Thornton’s masculinity is also contrasted with that of Margaret’s only other suitor, Mr. Lennox, who like her father is very feminine. Then there are the contrasts between and in the families. Mr. Thornton and Mrs. Thornton are both very strong characters, bullish almost, compared to the personality of Fanny, who is similar to Edith. However, Mrs. Thornton is more perceptive than her son, and sees that he has fallen in love with Margaret, even though Mr. Thornton cannot admit it to himself or anyone else. The two mothers are in deep contrast to each other. They are the personifications of the feeling of north and south. The north being strong and uncompromising, while the south is soft and snobbish. Another contrast that is picked out in the book is between the two males. One is described as soft, weak and tired even â€Å"almost feminine† the other is distinctly masculine, hardened, defined, astute and energetic. The final contrast in characters is between Bessy and Margaret. This is a clear contrast, as they are both girls, and are both the same age. They differ in wealth and attitudes and it is a clear indication of what is considered important when discussing what Margaret is going to wear to the dinner party. Interestingly, there is a feeling of contrast that, while Mr. Thornton is not academically learned, which Margaret is, he is much more socially and emotionally developed than her, while she is tormented by the sights of Bessy in her state. The first important example of contrasting dialogue is in chapter 9, between the Hales. Here, it helps to clearly show the different positions of each character. Mr. Hale is anxious, Mrs. Hale is querulous and Margaret is overworked. There is also a contrast between the Hales argument at the beginning of this chapter and the Thorntons, at the end, to emphasise how different they are. Other contrasts in dialogue include the way in which Mr. Thornton and then Mrs. Thornton talk to Margaret in chapter 15, and then in Margaret’s talk with Bessy where the contrasts between North and South are highlighted. Finally, another clear contrast is the discussion between Mr. Thornton and Margaret at the dinner party over the meaning of the word â€Å"gentleman†. Here, Gaskell skilfully uses the dialogue to create a sense of sexual tension between them. One major point in how the structure of the novel helps to create a contrast is in the titles. Significant titles like â€Å"haste to the wedding† are followed â€Å"roses and thorns† a juxtaposition of two images that heighten the point that Gaskell is trying to put across. The other is in Mr. Lennox proposing. Here we see a sudden crisis that Margaret faces which is mirrored by a deeply poignant crisis of having to move from Helstone. Similarities help to stress the contrasts in the novel. The easiest similarity is between Margaret and Mr. Thornton, most importantly in their pride. Another is the illness shared by the Higginses and the Hales. This can almost be seen as a reflection of social illnesses within the society. All these contrasts help to move the story along and create energy, particularly among the characters. One clear example of how Gaskell uses contrasts is in Mr. Thornton and Margaret’s first meeting where the sexual tension helps to create a strong atmosphere and well-written piece.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Counsumer Behavior Essay

Absolute threshold Differential threshold †¢How does sensory adaptation affect advertising effectiveness? How can marketers overcome sensory adaptation? †¢Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential threshold. Which is more important to marketers? Explain your answer. For each of these products—chocolate bars and bottles of expensive perfume—describe how marketers can apply their knowledge of differential threshold to packaging, pricing, and promotional claims during periods of (a) rising ingredient and materials costs and (b) increasing competition. 2. Key Concepts Contrast Figure and ground †¢How do advertisers use contrast to make sure that their ads are noticed? Would the lack of contrast between the advertisement and the medium in which it appears help or hinder the effectiveness of the ad? What are the ethical considerations in employing such strategies? †¢What are the implications of figure-ground relationships for print ads and for online ads? How can the figure-ground construct help or interfere with the communication of advertising messages? †¢Find three examples of print advertisements that use some of the stimulus factors discussed in the chapter to gain attention. For each example, evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulus factors used. 3. Key Concepts Selective perception Perceptual mapping †¢Define selective perception. Thinking back, relate one or two elements of this concept to your own attention patterns in viewing print advertisements and TV commercials. †¢Select a company that produces several versions of the same product under the same or different brands (one that is not discussed in this chapter). Visit the firm’s Web site and prepare a list of the product items and the benefits that each item offers to consumers. Are all these benefits believable and will they persuade consumers to buy the different versions of the product? Explain your answers. †¢Construct a two-dimensional perceptual map of your college using the two attributes that were most influential in your selection. Then mark the position of your school on the diagram relative to that of another school you considered. Discuss the implications of this perceptual may for the student recruitment function of the university that you did not choose.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysis and Recommendation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis and Recommendation - Case Study Example Some of these technological projects include the use of automated sales system, automated payment system and modern social relation management. 1. There should be a centralized information technology system that ensures that individual sales personals and stores do not keep different information. This recommendation would have to start with the networking of the information technology systems that exists in individual stores. 2. In order to increase the trust of customers for the future sustainability of the company, customers need to be brought closer to the company. It is therefore recommended that the company develops an effective customer relationship management plan that will be focused on the use of new media to attract existing and new customers closer to the company. 3. As SUH is about to change its sales trend and pattern from purchase to rentals, it is highly recommended that all staff on the sales support department be taken through a comprehensive in-service training that will bring the staff up to date with the new trend to take off. The absence of such a training process will affect the work output of staff for the new changes in a negative way because they will not be very much abreast with the new system. The technology solution that will be suggested for the improvement of customer relationship management in the company is the use of customer social network. This is a very simple but highly powerful technological tool and system that can be used to improvement the customer relationship that exists between a company and its customers. Sight must not be lost of the fact that customers are the lifeline to every company and that the survival of every company depends largely on customers. For this reason, any programs that put customers first must highly be appreciated. Customer social network makes use of the new

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Marketing research for Ice pad and Outline the process for gathering Paper

Marketing for Ice pad and Outline the process for gathering data for and explain how you would analyze the inf - Research Paper Example Yet again, market research can help management decide how best to deliver their products to the target market. With many manufacturers producing and marketing a variety of ice pads in the U.S. it is important for a new entrant in the market such as Ice Pads Limited to establish what kind of products it needs to offer to win a significant part of the market. Ice Pads Limited was established in 2011 and has been a market leader in the supply of ice pads in China. The company sees a great potential in the United States, and particularly in New York City where winter sports are commonly played. The company targets individuals of either gender who engage in winter sports such as skating and ice hockey aged between 16 and 60. The sports are played by people across all socio-economic backgrounds and who have different lifestyles. Although these games are popularly played during the winter season when there is a lot of snow, there are places in New York that have ice courses for playing thro ughout the year. The major competitors in the New York market include Paragon Sports, New York Golf Center, and Jack Rabbit, all of which offer various ice pads used for sporting purposes. Problem Definition Ice Pads Limited needs to establish the kind of ice pads to offer to the New York market, the best price for the products, and the factors that people consider when buying ice pads for winter sport activities. The organization is a new entrant in the market and needs to offer unique and well priced products to win a significant part of the market within its first year of operations. Objectives 1. To establish what customers like or dislike about the products that are offered in the market currently 2. To establish what needs to be improved in the products offered in the market currently to make them better for customers 3. To establish the factors that consumers consider when buying ice pads 4. To establish the appropriate price for ice pads in the New York market Research Metho ds Data for market research can be drawn from primary or secondary sources according to Wight (2013). During the market research, primary as well as secondary data will be collected. Secondary data will be drawn from the Internet and brochures produced by competitors in the market. Primary data will be collected through a field survey. During the survey, a sample of 50 respondents randomly drawn from New York city will be issued with questionnaires containing about 10 closed ended questions. Given that the products for which the market research is conducted are mainly bought and used by individuals across all age groups, the sample frame will include individuals of either gender, living in New York City aged between 16 and 60 years interested in and actively engaging in winter sports. In this respect, the samples will include individuals who have at least taken part in one winter sport at one time or another in their life. The samples will be drawn from different streets in New York City. The researchers will draw the samples by randomly approaching individuals between the age of 16 and 60 going about their businesses. The potential respondents will be asked to spare a few minutes of their time and introduced to the research. More specifically, the researcher will introduce themselves before briefing the potential respondent about the study; its nature and the objectives of the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

How Companies Motivate Employees Through Different Incentives Research Paper

How Companies Motivate Employees Through Different Incentives - Research Paper Example AUDIENCE: The audience for this report is any business owner or manager who is looking to motivate their employees to be more creative or more productive. I. Opening Brain drain and employee apathy are two large obstacles to optimum productivity. This becomes an inevitable part of any corporate lifestyle due to the process of completing mundane activities. In order to combat this within employees, companies regularly provide incentivized programs to invigorate productivity within employers. Various subjects that are key to increasing productivity include but are not limited to bonuses, benefits, increased commission, and even the environment (Sheffrin, 2003). Companies regularly promote competition between employees as a means of increasing productivity as well. In fact, there are a myriad of methods that have and can be used as a means of promoting productivity. A. Compensation, bonuses, benefits and their role in motivation employees Over the past decade, companies are demanding mo re productivity from the workers while compensation is down. This is because of the ever popular law of supply and demand. Indeed, when the job market is low, there is a higher demand for those positions. This means that companies can pay less for the positions available. Since economists consider productivity (i.e., output per hour worked) to be a key economic determinant of living standards, this fast pace would normally have positive implications for the working class.  But in reality, the opposite is true because of the bottomed out economy. Benefits also play a vital role in the productivity of workers because that is a value added dimension of healthcare programs (Bandura, 1997). Insofar as higher benefit costs are perpetuated by the escalating cost of health care, the increased dollars being spent on employee benefits do not lead to improved benefits.   Moreover, companies are mandated to make greater contributions into specific benefit pension plans than they did during the stock market boom. Though this may translate into higher compensation costs, it by no means improve living standards and conditions for workers (Sheffrin, 2003). Beyond that point, for the individuals who do not receive benefits from their employers, the estimated total compensation is lagging further behind productivity. The internal link for the lack of compensation growth is due to the lack of jobs available in the market as described earlier.   Employment is still down by approximately 1.2 million jobs since the recession began, which has resulted in many workers lacking the bargaining power to claim their fair and due share of the growing economy (Sheffrin, 2003). As a consequence, most of the benefits of growth have flowed to profits, not compensation.  This is because upper level management is still forced to focus on the bottom line for the shareholders, as opposed to the welfare of the employees. In the modern economic climate, the belief that productivity growth wi ll translate into rising living standards across the income spectrum is losing credibility (Bandura, 1997). II. Body A. History of Corporate Incentive Design In terms of Corporate Incentive design, the application of proper motivational techniques can be a daunting and difficult task. When companies attempt to develop a reward system, it can be easy to reward A, while intending to motivate figure B, but unintentionally reap harmful effects that can pose a liability to corporate objectives. Incentive theory in essence means that a person's actions

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

International Business & Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business & Management - Essay Example The company expanded to different countries through amalgamation, licensing, and acquisition. Carlsberg merges with prospective brewing companies and later on acquires whole ownership to the business entity (Blocker, et al 2003:140). The script entails the various predatory yet convincing strategies that Carlsberg Company employs in acquisition of new companies. Further, there are outlines on the on the future growth prospective, despite the fact that, the company still lags behind at a fourth rank. Lastly, there is a critic statement discouraging the ownership of more than 500 brands across different countries in the world. 1. Carlsberg strategic moves and predatory tactics in partnership, ownership, and control Carlsberg group entered the brewing industry late when other giant companies were in operations. The owners understood that such a company was vulnerable to stiff competition and failure in the market if they did not engage in proper strategies. The company realized that it could not concentrate in the local market whereas intending to yield profits and grow competitively (Mital, 2008:184). The presence of existing competitors threatened the infant company thus Carlsberg group merged the father-son two different businesses in order to counter extremities of competition. Carlsberg diversified investment to Denmark, U.S.S.R and the Asian countries over a period of almost eight decades. These tactics enabled the company grow profitably through economies of scale and prominent returns on investments (Estrin, 2004:271). The company analyzes the various trends in the markets and decides on the various tactics to endure, thus enhancing venture opportunities. The company analyzes the various environmental constraints in different regions, thus endures on formulae, which enable easier entry into the markets (Lopes, 2007:10). The company enters most of the markets through direct exportation and distribution in the different markets that depict chances of success . Carlsberg owns global brands, for example, the Carlsberg, Elephant, and Pilsner brands distinguish the company’s image above the other beer companies (Ahlstrom and Bruton, 2010:189). Therefore, the company wins consumer loyalty on venturing into the foreign markets due to brand recognition. The strategy adopts consumers in the new markets despite possible competition and at the long run; Carlsberg realizes growth in the market share. Another aspect is that Carlsberg adapts to a criteria model that enables the realization of tastes and preferences of consumers in the new markets, and this leads to brand customization to meet them satisfactorily (Halley, 2005:122). The strategies revolve around the objectives of profitability, competitive edge, and consumer value and satisfaction hence, the company strives to achieve them adequately. The strategies threaten indigenous beer companies who often seek options for cooperation in the market operations (Grunig and Morschett, 2012:24 0). Carlsberg group strategically engages in joint ventures to diversify investments and levels of profitability, hence always welcoming to coming seeking to form mergers. The company tactically targets to acquire the over fifty percent of the share holding capacity in every merger over the rival partner or affiliates. This criterion secures managerial prowess, and increased profit sharing rates over the partners who find it hard to survive, thus leaving Carlsberg to the sole ownership of the company after compensation.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Personal Reflection on My Dressing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Reflection on My Dressing - Essay Example As such, I do not wear tight clothes, revealing clothes, or any clothes that disregard my cultural ethics. Indeed, my cultural beliefs and respect for my traditions define my dressing and body adornment. My personal beliefs and values forbid me from wearing clothes that will expose my masculinity. Moreover, I dress to satisfy my emotions and to remain fashionable. I also consider my position in the society and the need to respect others while dressing. As I seek to maintain my dignity, I do not envy body adornments like tattoos since they demean personal beliefs and cultural values, which forbid men from body adornments. I believe in time management and hence I wear watches and choose stylish dressing to keep pace with the modern fashions. Assuredly, I dress to please myself and remain ethical in the diverse society. The main factor that defines my choice of clothing is to express my feelings and represent my personal beliefs and values. Moreover, the need to remain ethical and manif est professionalism influences my dressing decisions and choices. In addition, my cultural values and parental guidance influence my choice of dressing as I seek to respect my parents and tradition through my dressing. Notably, my parents are the custodians of my cultural dressing beliefs. Nevertheless, the need to embrace modernity and remain fashionable forces me to balance between cultures and fashion in my dressing. The weather also influences my dressing choices as I seek to adapt to different climates and remain healthy. Moreover, my sporting needs and decency requirements define my dressing. The need to visit different venues also defines my dressing choices since the workplace and attending lectures will require specific clothing. I also choose my dressing with reference to the respect, ethics, and morality that I seek to present to the society.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Correlation between Safety and Judgement (Pychology Static Research) Essay

Correlation between Safety and Judgement (Pychology Static Research) - Essay Example However, as the safety of a person depends on interpersonal skills as well as communication skills, the positive attitude also helps in gaining self confidence as well as keeping away from disasters in life. The usage and application of interpersonal skills depend on the surroundings and the ability of the individual to use his communication skills as per the needs. In this paper, 41 people of age groups 18 and 21 are analyzed according to the above mentioned aspects. The individuals selected are the people aged between 18 and 21 years, having mean age as 20 years. Hence, Mean age =20. Range = 3. Majority of the participants are Caucasian and the families belong to middle class. Participants visited the psychologist's lab all at a once, when they are given a test regarding their decision making and judgment. After that they met psychologist once in a month and out of 41 three of the participants visited once in three months for the first one year. Hence, for 38 participants the yearly visits were 12 and for three of them they were 4 each. Consequently, when the values of yearly visits are calculated, there are 38 values of each 12 and 3 values of each 4. The standard deviation for the above values is 11.4 and is nearer to the majority of the values in the visits data and hence the researchers considered the results. In the second year for the first six months, all the participants are asked to visit once in two months and all the participants fol lowed the instruction. In the next six months of the second year, they were asked to visit once in three months and at the last visit, the consequences of their judgment have been compared. Method In the research the individuals are given two consequences and are asked for answers. The first one is about an uncomfortable situation that demands a judgment to come out of it safely and the second one is about a normal situation that talks about the future situation. The participants responded according to their confidence level and amount of attribution. Researchers classified the 41 participants into groups according to their confidence levels and amount of attribution. As amount of attribution depended on confidence level, participants are divided into three groups basically having high confidence level as well as attribution (A), the high level of self control with resourcefulness (B), the participants having less confidence as well as self control (C). In group A, there are 12 participants, 13 participants in group B and 16 participants in group C. The division of the participants into three groups has been done based on the conversations during the visits in the first year. Moreover, researchers found that the resourcefulness of participants while taking a decision. While considering the resourcefulness, the researchers graded the decisions of the participants according to different situations that come over in the course of one's life according to the individual's community and profession. The safety and judgment results are as following according to the confidence, attribution levels of the groups. It is clear from the following graph, that the self control group that have high resourcefulness has shown greater safety for their judgments in the course of time.

Economics of leisure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economics of leisure - Essay Example Readers of this report have different needs and use the results for different purposes. Chapters 2-5 look at the results on the subject: attendance, participation, access to the arts through the media and the Internet, and attitude toward art and culture. Chapter 6 discusses the results by region to provide a regional overview of the commitment to art. Critically assess the economic usefulness of the concepts and definitions of the 'arts' contained in the document. Art can be viewed as functional, i.e., a set of activities or objects that present to perform some common functions. This kind of concept art is better fit in terms of economic activity. Economics assumes that people act on the network. Creative activity is observed, then the number of persons acting in a feature perceived benefits. To understand the benefits is to understand the economics of art (Bunting, 2007, p45). To comprehend those advantages is the understanding of the economics of art. In this document both Modern Visual Art and Modern Literature challenge the intellect and propose an alternative view of the world. Alongside, these two forms of modent art, allow the artists the immense liberty through conceptual phrase to express their reserved emotions and the fundamental desires. Subsequently, contemporary artists remind about subjective and sensory impressions, not the re-creation of objective realism, due to the inconclusive reality. Contemporary Visual Art and Present day literature have quite a bit in common when compared. Both are the most abstract art forms, and both have seen the most backlash, however what is intriguing here is that they both don’t represent reality (Chan, 2006, p133). The contemporary art greatly stresses upon the self and artistic self-expression. Consider the suitability of the 16-fold categorisation of live events used here {it is listed on page 10} for an economic analysis of demand for the arts. Participation in musical events has been fairly widespread . Almost two in five per cent attended live events in the music world over the past 12 months. One of the five percent attended a rock or pop event in the past 12 months. Classical music attended 10% of people in the past year, 6% of them went to the opera or operetta, 6% of jazz, folk and country and western 2%, and music is 2% of the world. Other types of music were seen in 7% of the people. There was an increase in the proportion of people attending live musical event by 36% in 2001 to 39% in 2003. There was also a slight increase between 2001 and 2003 to participate in events or pop-rock music and a slight decrease between 2001 and 2003 events as "other music". Nearly one in eight (12%) saw a dance of some in the past 12 months, 4% had attended modern dance, and 2% of the ballet. Other types of dances mentioned in 7% of people (Chan, 2007c, p23) . There were no differences in the proportion of people who attend these various events to dance in 2001 and 2003, except for a small i ncrease of 3% to 4% of respondents, modern dance. Different forms of assistance were evident for various musical and dance activities included in the study. For example, classical music is characterized by a high level of care, repeat, with one third (33%) of those present were a classical concert of three or more times in the past year, compared with 19% of those attending the opera. More

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The leadership of jesus Essay Example for Free

The leadership of jesus Essay In Matthew chapter 10 verse two to four, a list of 12 disciples were given. It was also in this chapter that Matthew explains each of their skills and experiences as well as their character traits. Alter out the New Testament and the small as the gospel of the Roman Catholic Church which we practice today, in the 12 disciples are regularly cited and are often even the central themes of the stories (Singer-Towns, 2005). It is these disciples where the story of Jesus had been built upon, and if it had not been for them, many of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church would be lost. The gospel writers themselves, even, of course many already know – are also members of the 12 disciples. It would therefore be an interesting discussion for our purpose of understanding the leadership style of Jesus on why he had the 12 disciples to follow him in the first place (Nouwen, 1993). It is in the book of Matthew that we again understand the purpose of Jesus on why he had chosen the 12 disciples. They have been described as recruits, and the Roman Catholic Church through various studies of scholars over the centuries had identified that Jesus had chosen 12 in order to become the fishers of men (Nouwen, 1993). This style of leadership of Jesus could be further understood when we finally realize that many modern-day companies and businesses rely on apprenticeship stages. This is of course extremely evident in large corporations when there are single identifiable leaders. This leadership style of Jesus further exemplifies and identifies that if we are the ones who are leading, it does not necessarily fall unto our shoulders each and every single task for all eternity (Clinton, 2006). Delegation is the key word for the concept here, and it is through delegation that we discover that leadership does not necessarily have to be doing everything right all the time by yourself. In our modern-day setting, many of the owners of corporations and the heads of business ventures and organizations think so highly of themselves that they have the opinion that they could be the only ones who could be able to produce results and achieve the goals of the company. However, what these leaders need to identify and understand is that delegation in the choosing of the disciples could perhaps be a wise option for it not only creates a more efficient setting for a company, but also increases productivity levels of individuals and groups.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Lord Of The Flies Alternative Ending Essay Example for Free

Lord Of The Flies Alternative Ending Essay Ralph was the first to spot Simon. He saw him stumbling down the mountain like a pathetic new born calf. His eyes were wide but heavy and tired at the same time. The camp stopped at a sudden and they watched Simon get closer and closer. Simon opened his mouth and began to talk. The blue-white scar was constant, the noise unendurable. Simon was crying out something about a dead man on a hill. Ralph strained his ears to try and listen but could not hear anything over the endless chants from the hunters. Then in such a quick second, the game had taken a terrible turn. Ralph caught a glimpse of Jacks eyes. They were fixated on Simon and were full of anger and fury. Then in that split second, Ralph realised that he should do something quickly for the sake of Simon. Somehow, he knew that they were going to do something terrible. The chanting was getting stronger and the storm was becoming harsher. Ralph broke through the circling hunters and grabbed Simons arm. He pulled him through the mass of chanting savages and made him run a little way down the beach until they came to an opening to the forest. Go Simon, run through the forest as fast and as far as you can. Ralph looked into Simons eyes. He had never seen such clear and beautiful eyes before in his whole life. Now, they sparkled like he had never seen anything sparkle before in his life. He closed his eyes and he felt Simons arm leave the lose grip of his hand. He heard the scurrying of Simons little feet pad into the forest and into the darkness. Ralphs knees gave way and he slumped on to the ground. Realising that he was awake and not unconscious, he became aware to the chanting that had became close. Too close. Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! The chanting was continuous and the words spun through his head. The savages blurred in front of his eyes. Then there was silence. A voice spoke. Ralph recognised it as Jack. You let the beast escape. You are an ally of the beast and I dont want any beasts on my island. How do we know that you are not the beast? Dont worry, we will find the other beast, he cant get far. Look my hunters! We have found another beast! Ralph tried to scream but the circle burst and started dancing and chanting again. This time Ralph could feel the spears scratching at his skin. Ralph didnt move. He had given up. All he was waiting for was the final plunge of the spear to finish him off. Kill the beast! Spill his blood! Do him in! An old woman began to pour a slender middle-aged man another cup of tea. Oh, no thank you, replied the man. Now Mrs Doon, tell me a little about the patient. Ive visited all the boys who returned from the island but it sounds as though yours has taken the experience the worst. Hes such a poor little boy. Hes been so ill since hes arrived home. You would of thought that at least his father would come home to spend some time with him. He wont let anyone show him the slightest bit of affection. It breaks my heart to see him like this. Anyway, what do I know? Here, let me show you to his room. Mrs Doon guided the guest through a long winding passage to the top of the house. He thought that is was never going to end. Suddenly they heard a small boys voice crying out from the darkness. Sounds like hes had another nightmare again. They happen nearly every night now. I dont know what to do for him anymore. Looks like you came at a good time doctor. We better go quickly now. Mrs Doon carried on up the stairs but this time with a little more speed. The doctor could see how drained and tired she was. He walked anxiously behind her. He refused to return to his own room and so we converted the attic into a room. He never comes out of it. All he does is sit up there all day. Ive offered to decorate it for him but he insists that he likes it the way it is. He also always has to say that he is the leader and we must do what he wants. Now, I know that I am just someone employed by his father, but really! Well, what can you expect after being deserted on an island for three months, eh? Here we are. Now, I have to warn you doctor, he does tend to act a bit strange. The old woman opened the door to the dark and miserable bedroom. Mrs Doon went straight for the curtains and snatched them back. The little body on the bed flinched at the immense light. Now, Now, what is it? Another bad dream? Come on now, sit up a little. You have a visitor. The little boys eyes were full of madness. Sweat dripped from his forehead. On his bed lay hundred of crumpled drawings. All the drawings were done with so much accuracy, but without colour, they lacked life. It was chanting again. Over and over and- Hush. Now then. This is Doctor Wahlburg. He just wants to talk to you. Hes not going to harm you. He wants to help you. Hello, began the doctor in a calming voice. How are you feeling today then? There was silence and no apparent movement. The childs eyes made the doctor nervous and restless. So, what are these drawings? Did you do these? They are splendid. Yes, whispered the boy. His mouth hardly moving. I did these, but this is my favourite one. The boy reached over the bed and picked up a shoebox off the floor. He opened it with so much care and presented a perfectly folded piece of paper. He opened it with his eyes so wide. He showed the picture of a huge shell to the doctor. Like all the other pictures in the room, so much care had been taken over it. However, this picture had the quality of colour added to it. Ralph my dear, it is freezing in here! Let me light you a fire- No! Screamed Ralph. He sprang out of his bed while making horrific snarling noises. He began to circle the old woman. The doctor grabbed Ralphs arm as an attempt to out him to bed again, but Ralph squirmed free of the grip and stood his ground in front of the terrified Mrs Doon. What did I say? I said that I would get waxy if you tried to light that fire, didnt I? I want to be alone with the doctor so let us be! The old woman shuffled nervously out of the room. See what I mean? she cried just as she left the room. Ralph jumped happily back into bed, satisfied with his victory over an adult. It was obvious that he had found someone he liked in the form of the doctor. Still clutching onto his drawing, he sat at the top of the bed, quite innocently, and not making a sound. The doctor stirred on his spot very cautiously and slowly made his way to a chair at the end of the bed. He began to say something, but stopped himself and sat there in his own thoughts for a few minutes. Then he began. He opened up his notebook and took out a pencil. Now Ralph, I want you to start from the beginning and dont leave anything out. I want you to let out what has been eating away at you. Its your turn now.